Equality and Sexual Orientation: The Leadership Challenge for Further Education

Conference welcomes the positive initiative by the Centre for Excellence and Leadership (CEL) and its report on Equality and Sexual Orientation. It aims to support managers, staff, students and trade unions to effectively develop positive policies on sexual orientation. UNISON worked with CEL and other key stakeholders on this initiative. The findings revealed an alarming […]

Training Support Staff in the Learning and Skills Sector

Delivering world class skills has become a national priority. It is predicted that the percentage of the working population needing recognised qualifications will rise dramatically by 2020. Colleges are being forced to focus on delivering employability for young people and Train to Gain and Learner Accounts are part of the Government’s strategy for workforce development. […]


Conference notes the current position in respect of the “New Look” Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) and in respect of protection for those adversely affected by the withdrawal of the “Rule of 85”. This conference condemns the fact that the union’s position on the 85 year rule moved from full protection to securing transitional protection […]


Conference welcomes the fact that at the end of the former three year pay deal and to prepare a pay claim for 2007 the National Local Government Service Group Executive consulted members with a view to submit a claim that had the widespread support of members. Conference also notes that the 2007 pay claim was […]

Local Government White Paper – Prosperous Communities

This Conference notes the publication of the recent Government White Paper – Prosperous Communities. This Conference notes that for prosperous communities to exist, it requires there to be people in well paid jobs including the public sector. This conference further notes that the movement away from the provision of services by well funded public sector […]

Continuous Service

This Conference is dismayed by the lack of success in negotiating a change in rules regarding continuous service. A motion was unanimously passed three years ago and yet still people who leave and come back to Local Government have to start building up service time to count for extra annual leave from scratch. We urge […]

Two Tier Workforce and the Community and Voluntary Sector

Conference notes and supports the important historical role the community and voluntary sector has provided in shaping public services – not as an alternative for directly-employed public sector workers, but as an innovator, working with local authorities and campaigning for new ideas and ways of working. Conference also notes the Code of Practice on Workforce […]

Short Term Funding in the Community and Voluntary Sector

Conference notes the increase in provision of public services by the community and voluntary sector in recent years, and the government’s determination to increase the scope and speed of transfers to the sector. The Treasury’s Third Sector Review Interim Report and the Cabinet Office’s Third Sector Action Plan (both December 2006) set out a range […]


Conference notes that the Government’s policy of marketisation of public services extends to childcare. The Childcare Bill 2006 states that “English local authorities may not provide childcare for a particular child or group of children unless the local authority are satisfied: 1.no other person is willing to provide the childcare (whether in pursuance of arrangements […]


Conference notes with deep concern the scale of cuts inflicted on the NHS, particularly over the last two years, with reports of thousands of job losses, and the closure of wards, departments and threats to close whole hospitals in many parts of the country. Conference also notes the powerful local public resistance to these cuts, […]


This conference is concerned that nurse prescribing is not being introduced in a properly co-ordinated manner. We therefore call on the Health Group Executive to meet urgently with the Department of Health with a view to the DoH:- 1.Producing guidelines to ensure a common standard of non medical prescribing is provided in all Trusts in […]


This Conference notes that many UNISON members employed by Primary Care Trusts are currently going through major reorganisations and job changes as a result of the government’s “Commissioning a Patient-led NHS”and the subsequent reconfiguration of PCTs. In some areas, such as the North East, these changes have been made more complicated by the “smoke and […]


This Conference notes that the government has spent thousands of millions of pounds on the war and occupation in Iraq, and is now considering spending further millions on renewing the trident nuclear submarines and missiles. This is at the same time as the government is forcing NHS Trusts to cut their expenditure in order to […]


There has been much media speculation of late that overseas nurses will be barred from employment in an attempt to help home grown candidates. This speculation is surprising given that the UK has been in a dilemma for a number of years owing to the massive shortage of qualified specialist nurses. Indeed, the government has […]


This Conference Supports the development of the NHS Green Travel plan, which encourages the use of public transport, walking and cycling to work. Accordingly Conference agrees to 1)Support the NHS Environmental travel plans 2)Calls for a ring fencing of a percentage of car parking for the use of showers, changing facilities and safe bicycle storage […]