Gendered Dress Codes in the Workplace

Conference notes that, although many advances have been made in the treatment of transgender or gender non-conforming workers, harmful gender stereotypes are still being enforced through other means. Dress codes should serve a legitimate purpose, such as maintaining a desired image with customers and clients, or aiding staff visibility, and these ends can be attained […]

Transphobic Feminism

Conference notes that feminism is the promotion of women’s rights on the grounds of achieving equality of the sexes. Trans-exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs) are one part of the feminist movement, who believe that only women born women (i.e. with a XX chromosome and female genitalia) should be included. This transphobic ideology was brought to the […]


Conference notes that the last government enacted housing and benefit policies which had a severe impact on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. Conference is disheartened to find that, following the General Election, we now have a Tory government that is set to make things even worse, and for young LGBT people in particular. […]


Conference notes that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Labour is 40 years old this year. LGBT Labour’s achievements in influencing Labour Party policy include: 1. Equal age of consent; 2. Repeal of Section 28; 3. Gender Recognition Act; 4. Civil Partnerships; 5. Fertility and adoption rights for lesbians; 6. Outlawing discrimination in provision of […]

Election of Retired Members’ Representatives to Self-Organised Group Conferences

Conference welcomes the decision of national delegate conference 2014 to amend rule D.6.8 to let the national retired members’ organisation send two representatives of relevant retired members to each national self organised group (SOG) conference. Conference congratulates the national retired members’ committee (NRMC) on its speed to implement this so that, as a result of […]


Conference notes that prioritisation is a means to enable us to debate first and to have enough time to debate fully matters we deem of greatest significance. Conference considers there is a need to review whether, in practice, this is what we achieve. Conference wonders: 1. Whether any method of prioritisation can achieve such an […]

The high risk of homelessness

Conference notes that many lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people have no alternative but to rent homes in the private rental market, especially in areas of high property values, and that this disproportionately affects young LGBT people. This is compounded by the lack of social housing. LGBT people may experience difficulties where they have […]

Alan Turing and Gross Indecency Convictions

Conference applauds the posthumous Royal Pardon granted to Alan Turing for his 1952 gross indecency conviction, effective in December 2013. However Conference believes that such pardons should be given to all men, living and deceased, who were similarly convicted because of their homosexuality. Conference agrees that the legislation that allowed such convictions was iniquitous, unjust […]

Sex and Relationship Education Lessons (SREL)

Conference notes that there is a growing call for ‘Sex and Relationship Education Lessons’ (SREL) to be included as a statutory part of our education system, including at previous UNISON Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) conferences. Reasons for the call include: 1. The fact that the United Kingdom has the worst rates of teenage […]

Amendment to SO3, 3.3.4

Delete para 3.3.4 and insert new 3.3.4 ‘If there is no other delegate to move the motion, then the motion and any amendments to it, falls. If there is no other delegate to move the amendment, then the amendment, falls.’

Sharer Delegates to Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Conference

Conference notes that each UNISON Branch is entitled to send 10 Delegates to Conference. Conference further notes that this lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) conference is unable to send sharer delegates to our conference? This branch believes that this restricts participation in our self-organised group. This is due to that fact that every delegation’s […]

Amendment to SO6, 6.1

After ‘National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Committee.’ INSERT ‘Or any other member of the National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Committee as delegated and agreed by the Co-chairs of the National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Committee.’

Tackling Biphobia in the Energy Industry

Conference welcomes the progress we have made in putting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality on the bargaining agenda in the energy industry. However, conference notes that LGBT workers are a diverse group, who experience different types of discrimination in different ways. There is increasing understanding that issues facing transgender workers, while having many […]

Raising the profile of LGBT workplace equality in energy

Conference welcomes the strong track record of our energy service group on equality issues. Amongst other successes, this has resulted in a diversity of activists on our national energy service group bodies, reflecting UNISON’s rules on fair representation and proportionality, including lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) activists. Conference acknowledges the importance of such role […]

Energy Efficiency

This conference welcomes the recent focus on domestic energy efficiency and the well documented gains a national programme of energy efficiency measures would achieve. Conference also welcomes the role that UNISON has played in raising awareness of the gains that could be achieved by producing its report ‘warm homes into the future – meeting the […]