Private Renters Deserve The Right To A Secure, Decent and Affordable Home

Conference notes that more and more of our members are forced to live in the Private Rented Sector due to the unaffordability of home-ownership and inaccessibility and lack of affordable social housing. This is due to failed housing policies, austerity and government cuts. This problem is exacerbated by the increasing number of properties that are […]

Make 2024 the Year of LGBT+ Workers

Conference believes that one of UNISON’s strengths lies in its recognition of the value and unique experiences lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender plus (LGBT+) people bring to the workplace and to our union and commends the work of UNISON’s LGBT+ committee to raise the profile of our LGBT+ members across the United Kingdom (UK). Conference […]

Rule G The Branch Secretary

G 4.2.4 Delete the current wording of existing rule G 4.2.4 and replace with: “In conjunction with the Branch Committee, ensure that the branch observes Union rules and the law with particular reference to data protection legislation to ensure that members’ personal data is processed compliantly and that all branch data breaches are reported to […]

Rule G Branch Meetings

G 3.2 Insert new rule G 3.2: “G 3.2 From 1 July 2023 any branch meeting, including Branch Committee; General Meetings and Annual General Meetings can be held in person, online or hybrid.” Renumber subsequent rules.

Rule G Branch Officers

Insert new rule G 4.1.7: “G 4.1.7 All Branch Officers shall complete the Union’s mandatory data protection training within three months of being elected; and any subsequent annual refresher training.”

Taking Effective Action within the Straitjacket of Anti-Union Laws

Conference condemns the worsening restrictions of the right to strike in Britain with the draconian Minimum Services Bill which gives the government the power to set minimum service levels for border security, education, fire, health, nuclear decommissioning and transport services. This will empower employers to issue a ‘work notice’ which will identify the employees required […]

Crisis in the NHS and Social Care

Conference is appalled at the state of our NHS and social care services. Conference believes that 13 years of Tory neglect have produced an unprecedented crisis which needs urgent attention. Conference notes that waiting lists for treatment have reached their highest ever level, thousands of hours of ambulance crews’ time is lost each month due […]

Cost of Living

Conference notes that we are in a cost of living crisis with inflation and energy prices soaring, outstripping pay deals in every sector. The increases in interest rates and the impact on mortgages, and therefore also private renting, as a result of the Truss government’s failed economic policies have only heightened pressures on households. In […]

Defend Our Right to Vote – Voter ID is Voter Suppr

Conference is deeply concerned at the changes in the law surrounding the requirement for mandatory voter ID at all general and by-elections in the UK and many other elections in England and Wales as part of the Elections Act passed in April last year. This is the requirement to show photographic proof of identity at […]

Social Care Crisis – The Urgent Need for Reform an

Conference notes that it has debated many motions over recent years on social care, including for older people. However, the problems remain. Conference is appalled that adult social care continues to exist in a state of permanent crisis and that the sector remains severely underfunded, with hundreds of thousands of elderly and disabled people being […]

Young Black workers and the cost of living crisis

Conference notes that the cost of living in the UK has surged to crisis levels, with increasing energy prices, food prices and housing costs, against a background of wages which over the past decade have not kept pace with inflation. Conference further notes the specific impact of the cost of living crisis on Black workers. […]

Eliminating racism in Scottish sport

“25th July 2022, Scottish Cricket was found to have caused systemic discrimination and racism over many years, in a report by Plan4Sport called Changing The Boundaries. They found the governance and leadership practices of Cricket Scotland to be institutionally racist. It confirms 448 examples that demonstrated institutional racism. Reoccurring themes were mapped against 31 indicators […]

The impact of the cost-of-living rise on Black low paid workers

The current cost-of-living crisis affects everyone especially given the huge rise in energy prices, but there is evidence that the impact will be disproportionately felt by those who are already struggling to make ends meet and particularly Black members who are over-represented in low wage jobs and often with limited career progression. Research conducted with […]

Cost of living impact on mental illness in Black workers

This Conference notes that Black communities continue to experience complex factors that significantly and adversely affect their mental health. The recent cost of living crisis is impacting significantly on Black members across the country. Black communities are already more likely to experience distressing events that affect them adversely due to racism, discrimination and inequity affecting […]

Black workers and non-apparent impairments

Conference notes that many employers still refuse to accept a worker is disabled and entitled to reasonable adjustments unless their impairment is obvious. However many impairments are not immediately apparent. Black people disproportionately experience impairments such as lupus, diabetes and sickle cell and thalassemia which are impairments that aren’t always obvious to other people. Some […]