Attendance Management

Conference is concerned that in the 21st Century some employers are still using draconian sickness absence polices, such as the Bradford Factor, which we know can discriminate against disabled workers. Absence from work due to a disability should be recorded separately and treated differently to non-disability related sickness absence with a separate policy explaining the […]

Offshoring in Energy

We note with concern the ever-increasing amount of work moved offshore by the energy utilities. In November of last year, npower confirmed it would cut nearly 1,460 “back office” jobs in the UK, or 15% of its staff in this country, and move them to India. It is outsourcing a further 540 British call centre […]

Getting Equality on the Bargaining Agenda and Winning it for Members

This Conference welcomes the work being done by the Business and Environment Equal Opportunities Working Group (BEEOWG) to promote the equalities agenda. Equalities have long been a priority for the Energy Service Group. Within the Energy service group we have a long and proud tradition of fighting for equality for all our members. Over the […]

The Impact of Austerity on Women

Conference condemns the continued attack on public sector workers. In the last two years, over 631,000 jobs have been axed with a further 400,000 due to go before the 2015 general election. Women make up a large proportion of public sector workers and in some sectors twice as many women as men have lost their […]

Scotland’s Future

Conference notes the Scottish Government has published its White Paper on Independence, their proposal to promote a ‘Yes’ vote in the Referendum to take place on 18 September 2014. The document covers matters arising from Scotland becoming an independent country like currency and international relations, in addition, it sets out a policy prospectus if the […]

Energy Policy

This conference notes that over the past year, debates around energy supply and retail have been very high profile across the UK involving senior politicians from across the political spectrum. These debates have however, singularly failed to take into account the thousands of people who are employed in this sector many of whom are paid […]

Support and Training for Meter Readers

This Conference calls upon the Energy Service Group Executive to work with the NEC, employers, suppliers and government agencies to deal with the pressing issue of developing adequate support, including re-skilling, for meter representatives through a period of decline in their industry due to the growth of smart metering. We feel strongly that the effect […]

Green Deal and the Need to Insulate UK Homes

This Conference laments the poor performance of the Governments flagship Green Deal programme. We also note the continued difficulties evident in the relatively slow and problematic take up of initiatives like Energy Company Obligation and its predecessor the Carbon Emissions Reduction Target. Too much resource is used simply trying to identify those eligible for assistance. […]

Rule C Unemployed Members

Delete current Rule C 2.4.1 and replace with: “Members dismissed, made redundant, having accepted a compromise agreement or having resigned as an alternative to dismissal from employment within the meaning of C.1 who notify the branch secretary in writing within six months of their loss of employment may achieve unemployed membership for two years from […]

Voter Registration and Political Education

Conference notes a General Election must take place before 6 May 2015. Conference welcomes the British Youth Council’s decision to prioritise “Votes@16” as its main campaign this year, and that 16 and 17 year olds have been enfranchised for the Scottish independence referendum (18 September 2014). Conference reaffirms its policy that the franchise in all […]

Oppose the Commercialisation and Privatisation of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

Conference condemns the current attack by the Conservative-led Government on health and safety rights in the workplace. David Cameron has declared his aim to “kill off the health and safety culture” which he views as an “albatross around the neck of British business”. This should be seen as part of the wider attack on working […]


Conference notes with concern the impact of a shift to a market centred model across Europe is resulting in an increasingly hostile debate around immigration. Parties such as the UK Independence Party (UKIP) on the immigration debate in the UK, are scapegoating some of the most vulnerable workers in the labour market for the economic […]


UNISON remains committed to and will continue to fight for public services delivered by workers directly employed on terms and conditions that have been collectively bargained by democratically accountable public bodies. Nevertheless, Conference recognises that more and more public service workers are employed by the private sector and the community and voluntary sector. Often working: […]

Zero Hours Contracts in the NHS

UNISON research into zero hours contracts shows that more than 40% of care workers are on these contracts. Activists are reporting that more employers are using zero hours contracts more widely across the NHS. This also includes operational service staff. Zero hours contracts are imbalanced and the employer reaps all the benefits. Members are asked […]

The Challenge of Recruiting and Organising in a fr

Our NHS is facing the biggest threats in its 65 year history. The impact of the Health and Social Care Act is being felt across all four countries and austerity measures, reorganisations, funding cuts and freezes that are being imposed by the Westminster Government has led to increasing fragmentation of health services. Since 2013 when […]