Domestic Violence

Conference notes with concern that reported incidents of domestic violence are increasing, and that these figures reflect an increase in the incidences of same-sex domestic violence. Conference therefore calls on the National Lesbian and Gay Committee to; 1.urge the National Executive Council (NEC) to issue guidelines to Branches to ensure that issues of same-sex violence […]

Homophobic Bullying in Schools and Isolation of Lesbian and Gay Students

Conference welcomes the end of Section 28, which was finally repealed receiving royal assent on September 18th, and notes the very long campaign for its repeal amongst the lesbian and gay (L&G) community and the broader labour movement. Conference in particular highlights the role played by trade unions in keeping up the pressure on the […]

Making Policy and Carrying it out

This Conference notes that: 1.following each National Lesbian and Gay Conference the National Lesbian and Gay Committee (NLGC) prepares an action plan on the decisions of Conference (Conference Action Report) which includes action points for branch and regional lesbian and gay (L&G) groups. However, this document is drawn up on the basis of the action […]

Appointment to Public Bodies

Conference supports the view that all UNISON disabled members have a fair and equal opportunity to apply for and sit on public bodies, tribunals and public boards. It recognises that the present Nolan Rules can discriminate against working people and more so if they are disabled. Conference also recognises the full useful knowledge and experiences […]

European Year of the Disabled 2003

Conference is concerned at the lack of UNISON activities to celebrate European Year of the Disabled 2003, both in some regions and particularly, nationally. This is an important event for disabled people and UNISON must be at the forefront of it. Conference agrees that a high profile event should be held nationally to publicise disabled […]

Self-Organised Groups

Conference deplores the action of some UNISON branches using branch rules to discriminate against self-organised groups by preventing them from participating fully in branch activities. Conference calls upon the National Disabled Members’ Committee, in conjunction with other self-organised groups, to liaise with branch disabled officers, equalities officers and other self-organised groups to compile a report […]

Criminal Justice Bill

Where not achieved in the Criminal Justice Bill now going through Parliament or in any current or future legislation of the devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, UNISON will continue to campaign for: 1)disability hate crime to attract the same extra penalty as race hate crime; 2)full access for disabled people to all […]