Future Pay Determination in the NHS – an expanded pay review body

In the early 1980’s Nurses, Midwives, Health Visitors and other NHS staff took industrial action over pay. This action led to the creation of the Nurses and Other Health Professionals (Pay) Review Body which since its formation in 1984 has, in most years, recommended above inflation pay awards. Occupational Groups not covered by the Pay […]

Private Contractor Staff

Conference notes the ground-breaking deal made with the Government, NHS Employers, the Confederation of British Industry and the NHS Business Services Authority for Soft Facilities Management employees working for private contractors in October 2005. Following on from this similar agreements have been made in Scotland and Wales. The Joint Protocol began the process of raising […]

Defending Agenda for Change

Conference notes that as we move onwards from Agenda for Change (AFC) implementation and assimilation, we are starting to lose the valuable skills of staff side job evaluators, job matchers and KSF advisors. As local staff sides (and in particular the participation of UNISON representatives), we are increasingly finding ourselves with diminishing resources resulting in […]

Privatisation of Administrative & Clerical Services – England

Conference is encouraged by the events of this past year, where UNISON has given its support to the NHS Logistics strike in September 2006, the NHS Together Lobby in November 2006 and also the Outsourcing Conference in December 2006. Conference congratulates the members from NHS Logistics for their show of solidarity during the month of […]

Social Enterprises

This Conference rejects the model of service provision encapsulated in the Social Enterprise concept and reaffirms its opposition to Social or Community Enterprises taking over NHS services and staff. Despite our opposition, the government has established a Social Enterprise Unit within the Dept of Health, and is promoting the setting up of such bodies to […]

Privatisation and Private Consultancy Firms

This Conference views with disgust how in the 10 years of a New Labour Government the large legal and accountancy firms have been able to increase their financial turnover and profits from the public pulse strings. The grand offices of these organizations such as Herbert Smith, Eversheds, Price Waterhouse Cooper and KPMG have been furnished […]

Stop Privatisation and Marketisation of Our NHS

Conference is outraged that a Labour government is continuing to privatise NHS service and staff. Conference reaffirms our total opposition to the privation and marketisation of the NHS, in whatever from(such PFI and LIFT, use of the private sector to carry out NHS work, transfer of service to private sector ownership or management, Independent Sector […]


Conference notes that a significant number of UNISON health members in learning disability services have been transferred out of the NHS. These members undertake similar roles to before their transfer, often working with the same service users. Staff transferred in this way normally had TUPE protection of their existing terms and conditions, but have generally […]


Conference notes UNISON’s campaign for Healthcare Assistants to be regulated, and the outcome of our consultation identified their wish to be regulated by the Health Professions Council. However, Conference also notes with strong concern that training for HCAs has been cut back in many areas as a result of the financial crisis, caused by the […]


This Conference believes that a safe working environment is a right for everyone. There is a requirement under “Health & Safety at Work Act 1974” and “The Health & Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981” for employers to provide equipment and facilities which are adequate and appropriate in the circumstances for administering first-aid to employees (Regulation 3(1)). […]


The last five years have witnessed a significant and welcome expansion in the commissioning of student nurse training places at UK universities to sustain the NHS nursing workforce. We are now beginning to see, however, a reduction in the availability of monies available to purchase training courses this year and the potential for reductions in […]


This conference condemns attempts by some Trusts to introduce individual pay packages and profit sharing schemes in the NHS noting that the profit motive should have no place in our NHS. Accordingly conference urges Branches to oppose such moves in their areas through campaigns etc. Conference also urges Branches to affiliate to the Socialist Health […]


This Conference asks the Service Group Executive to mount national action to drive forward the Zero Tolerance campaign of no verbal abuse, aggression or unacceptable behaviour towards healthcare staff. Conference is particularly concerned at the growing problem of aggression from visitors to frontline staff such as bedside nurses working in clinical areas in High Dependency, […]


Conference notes with deep concern the scale of cuts inflicted on the NHS, particularly over the last two years, with reports of thousands of job losses, and the closure of wards, departments and threats to close whole hospitals in many parts of the country. Conference also notes the powerful local public resistance to these cuts, […]


This conference is concerned that nurse prescribing is not being introduced in a properly co-ordinated manner. We therefore call on the Health Group Executive to meet urgently with the Department of Health with a view to the DoH:- 1.Producing guidelines to ensure a common standard of non medical prescribing is provided in all Trusts in […]