Operating Department Practitioner Bursuries

Conference notes the Department of Health decision to introduce bursaries for ODP trainees. We believe this is a retrograde step, which adversely affects recruitment at a time of acute staff shortages and when Ministers are seeking an increase in ODP numbers. The introduction of bursaries radically cuts the incomes of students and removes their employment […]

NHS Individual Learning Accounts and Contracted Staffs Access

In recent years the government as part of its life long learning initiative introduced NHS individual learning accounts. These accounts are available to any NHS employee who does not hold a relevant professional work related qualification. The account is worth £150.00 and can be used to provide work-related learning. The learning opportunity can be provided […]

Integrated Care – Health and Social Services

This Conference reaffirms its policy of opposition to the establishment of Care Trusts, and in particular expresses its concern over plans to create specialised services in the form of Children’s Trusts and Care Trusts for elderly people’s services. This Conference is committed to the use of Health Act Flexibilities, including Section 31 Partnerships, as being […]

Temporary Injury Allowance for NHS Staff

Conference at a time when NHS staff suffer injury as a direct result of assault and are absent from work for some time, they often suffer financial detriment. At present Temporary Injury Allowance is paid @ 85% of average earnings based on the previous twelve months. This is a significant drop in earnings at a […]

Blame Culture within the NHS

Conference believes far too little has been done by the Department of Health and the devolved health departments to tackle the damaging deep-rooted “blame culture” within the Service. Despite the introduction of clinical governance the search for scapegoats often takes precedence over tackling the root causes of mistakes, and poor practice. This approach may actually […]


This conference believes that UNISON should campaign for NHS organisations to have parity with local authorities in recovery of VAT on new build projects. Local authorities are able to claim a full refund of VAT while the NHS is unable to recover a penny. This artificially enhances PFI contractors in relation to in-house NHS bids. […]

Developing an Organising Culture in Health

Conference notes that the challenges facing UNISON’s health sector have never been greater. Proposals for radical changes in pay are only the latest of a very long list of challenges we face – restructuring of employers, improving working lives, major changes in acute hospitals, mental health, and primary care, the involvement of the private sector, […]

Community Health Council

This Conference notes that the government reneged on its undertaking to treat Community Health Council staff in the same manner as those affected by Shifting The Balance Of Power. This Conference calls on the Service Group Executive to demand the government stick to its promises in any future dealings with NHS staff.

Employer Recognition of Branch Self-Organised Disabled Members’ Groups

The National Disabled Members’ Committee is concerned that employers such as Birmingham City Council do not recognise UNISON’s self-organised groups. As a result members are not allowed paid time off to attend meetings during work time. For the disabled members’ group this makes it difficult for members to get involved and to play an active […]

Female Genital Mutilation

Female genital mutilation otherwise known as female circumcision is a practice carried out on thousands of women and girls throughout the world annually. This can result in long term problems for disabled black women. Once circumcised a woman will experience ongoing problems with associated infertility, infection and bladder associated problems. We call upon the National […]

Lack of Recruitment for Disabled Ethnic Minorities Within the Police Staff

Conference the Black Members’ Caucus wish to raise concerns regarding the lack of recruitment of disabled ethnic minorities within the police staff. Whilst there is a drive to recruit ethnic minorities within the police, there is no focus on targeting disabled ethnic minority staff. Therefore we call upon the National Disabled Members’ Committee to liaise […]

Workplace Equality Representatives

By virtue of the fact that we are in this hall today is an example of how our Union supports diversity. Our employers recognise health and safety representatives and provides them with time off/facilities to undertake implementation of the legislation. Given the expanding equalities legislation and the increased diversity within the United Kingdom’s workforce, there […]

Getting Information to Isolated Disabled Lesbian and Gay Members

Conference notes that disabled lesbian and gay members are most vulnerable to discrimination when they are isolated from information, support and advice. Conference is concerned that information on self-organised groups and network days often does not reach isolated members, including disabled lesbian and gay members who are not out in the branch. Conference calls on […]

Disabled Access Facilities at Conference Hotels

This Conference is greatly concerned about the lack of disabled access offered to delegates and visitors by the accommodation booking service. For this year’s Disabled Members’ Conference the hotel bookings have not been organised by UNISON’s Conference Office, but have been booked through the Conference Accommodation Booking Service Glasgow and Clyde Valley Tourist Board. Bearing […]

The Disability Bill

This Conference is disappointed to learn that despite the Labour Party’s manifesto commitment to bringing full civil rights for disabled people, the promised Disability Bill is not now to be in the Queen’s speech in the autumn. Lord Ashley at the All-Party Disabled Members’ Group meeting on 9 July 2002 stated that “Implementation of the […]