Taking Action Against Climate Change

Climate change is the single greatest threat to the future development of humanity. It is estimated that by the year 2100, average temperatures will have risen by six degrees, if governments fail to act in the next ten years there will be catastrophic consequences in the future. The results of such climate change will be […]

Stop the BNP

Conference notes the British National Party (BNP) is a fascist organisation that denies the Holocaust and multiculturalism. It stands for creating an all white Britain, the destruction of trade unions and the elimination of basic democratic rights. The BNP has 49 councillors and polled a record 292,911 votes in May 2007. The May 2008 London […]

Zero Tolerance of Racism in Community Health Centres and Primary Healthcare Centres

Conference is deeply concerned that Black healthcare workers and social services staff who work in communities are often the subject of racist abuse and sometimes racist violence. Hate crime against primary healthcare workers and other frontline staff is increasing. Conference welcomes the policy of Zero Tolerance in NHS departments such as A&E, hospital wards, etc […]


Conference recognises 1.The first English Slavery expedition was carried out by Sir John Hawkins in 1562 and the transatlantic slave trade lasted for over 200 years. 2.This year marks 201 years since the Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade; the Bill first proposed by Tory reformer William Wilberforce received Royal Assent on 25 […]

Honour Killings

Conference welcomes 8th March as International Women’s Day and the advances women have made however, there is still a long way to go. Conferences understand that violence against women, in addition to physical and sexual violence, can include trafficking, honour killings and female genital mutilation. Conference further recognises that domestic violence is the most common […]

Black Community Projects in Crisis

National Black Members’ Committee (NBMC) is concerned to learn that:- Birmingham City Council (BCC) is carrying out radical changes to the way it delivers services. A newspaper article in July 2007, revealed the Council’s plan to axe 1000 jobs in the Finance Department by October 2007, as part of its cost cutting exercise. The Council […]

Iraq’s Anti Trade Union Laws

Conference deplores current anti trade union legislation there. In addition Black members in Scottish branches express deep concern at the UK/UK Occupying forces and Iraqi government’s reluctance to repeal the Baathist inspired laws prohibiting trade union activity in the country. Conference therefore urges the National Black Members’ Committee to call for the National Executive Council, […]

Humanitarian Crisis in Burma

The Black members have always supported UNISON’s International campaign against on going serious human rights abuses and the humanitarian crisis in Burma. Therefore, Conference once again this year, calls upon the NBMC to work with the National Executive Council’s International Committee in urging the British Government to lobby the Government of Portugal through their EU […]

Disclosure Policy/Procedure and Black People

Conference welcomes the current legal requirement of carrying out security checks for all employees working with vulnerable people. However, Conference deplores the impact of the current procedures on Black workers. In particular it deplores the high costs involved which are quite often detrimental to Black people especially if due to unavoidable circumstances they cannot get […]