Training and development: crucial to the NHS

This Conference believes that proper training and development opportunities are essential for all those working for the NHS, regardless of what function they perform, if it is to maintain the standards crucial to the care of patients. For young staff, particularly those working in ancillary and administrative roles, looking to having careers in the NHS […]

Our NHS, Our Future

This conference welcomes the UNISON survey of young workers in the NHS on the subject of career progression and attitudes to employment and future employment prospects in the service. This conference notes that while interim results indicate many young workers have positive experiences of employment and training, 60% of respondents feel they do not have […]

UK Conference Review

Annual Health Conference is the prime policy event and platform for UNISON to showcase UNISON campaigns and activities in defence of the NHS, its users and the staff who deliver key services. To ensure the continued effectiveness of the event, Conference calls on the Service Group Executive to review the duration, format and content of […]

Privatisation and the NHS Business Services Authority

Conference recognises the misleading publicity by the Government around their commitment to protect front line services in the NHS. We know the NHS is not safe in their hands and cuts to jobs and services, along with increased privatisation will all be a consequence of their policies. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the […]

Fairness and equality for Pharmacy technicians

The role and expertise of Pharmacy technicians have changed dramatically over the past number of years. However the skills and expertise required by Pharmacy technicians has not been properly recognised by the qualifications that the post should require. The first Pharmacy technicians were introduced in N. Ireland in 1975. At that time the qualifications for […]

NHS Knowledge & Skills Framework and Learning in the NHS

Conference notes that the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) is the tool that supports career and pay progression for all NHS staff on Agenda for Change contracts. As an integral part of Agenda for Change, the KSF gives staff a contractual right to access learning and development opportunities at work. Conference recognises that, whilst […]

Health and Safety Enforcement

Last year this conference welcomed the findings of the Boorman Report which highlighted the importance of: 1)The health & well being of NHS staff and the link between this and positive patient outcomes 2)Good quality occupational health services 3)Early interventions aimed at tackling the underlying causes of ill health and injury in the NHS such […]

Partnership Working in Difficult Times

Conference believes that the greatest test of the effectiveness of social partnership between governments, employers and trade unions is whether it can deliver real gains for staff and patients in difficult times. Conference recognises that, since 1997, partnership working has delivered real benefits for NHS staff and helped improve patient care, in all four countries […]

Targeted Organising and Recruitment

Conference notes that the NHS in England is witnessing one of the most radical reform agendas ever and public service cuts are beginning to hit health services hard in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. These challenges will have a huge impact on less organised workplaces where non-unionised staff density is high. Conference also notes that, […]


Conference acknowledges the work which has taken place to ensure that the Equalities Act was implemented on the 1st October 2010. However, we are disappointed that the government has sought to dilute elements of the agenda which could have ensured equity for a number of individuals. We welcome the establishment and commitment which the Department […]


Conference notes that Black members remain concerned with their under representation throughout UNISON structures. Many branches still don’t have self organised groups while at the same time employers are setting up Black Minority Ethnic Group/Forums. This can not only undermine the unions’ structures and take away branch development opportunities in terms of establishing Self Organised […]


Conference notes that the public sector cuts are well underway and that Black members are already being selected for redundancy. It is a concern for the National Black Members Committee (NBMC) and the wider union that Black activists are not singled out for their work on supporting members within their branches and workplaces. We also […]


Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the UK. More than 45,500 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year and the disease causes almost 12,000 deaths each year. Eight in ten cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in women over the age of 50. Black and Asian women are significantly more […]


In June 2009 a proposal to raise public funding to erect a monument to this positive Black female pioneer and her significant achievements was aired on national television. The ambition to erect a statue of her “going forth”, to be sited in St Thomas’ Hospital grounds on the lawn opposite the Houses of Parliament, was […]


It is regrettable that more Black people continue to experience common health problems such as anxiety and depression. With the Government changes to Disability Living Allowance and Welfare system, there is no doubt that the disabled Black people that have significant mental illness would be more affected. The recent pronouncement by the Government to cap […]