Professional Indemnity

UNISON believes that it is the responsibility of the employer to cover any act or omission on the part of a member in the course of their employment under the vicarious liability of the employer. Nevertheless this Conference believes that the cover which UNISON provides to its members in Health should be extended to its […]

Access to Training and Development

The Police Staff membership has a long history of under investment by Police Management. Workplace learning and training opportunities to Police Staff has never been seen as a priority. It is often viewed as unnecessary by some employers or treated in a slipshod and half-hearted manner by others, who undervalue Police Staff and their role […]

Removal of Unnecessary Police Management

Conference notes with pride the unity that forming our Service Group has brought to the family that makes up Police Staff. We note the strength that unity brings to us and we are aware that we are now able to influence the way we work, our employers and our law makers. Unity brings strength and, […]

Staffing Levels

Conference deplores the cost cutting measures used throughout the police service that major on reducing staff numbers to what is less than a safe minimum. Conference is concerned at the effect this has on an already dissatisfied public resulting in our members, and in turn their families, being placed under extreme stress. Conference notes the […]

Centralisation of Bus Management

Conference notes with concern the trend towards the centralisation of ‘white collar’ jobs in the largest of the multi-national bus companies such as Firstgroup, Stagecoach and Arriva. Conference regards these trends as predictable consequences of the companies’ growth and diversification over the last ten years or so. The creation of centralised financial services and the […]