
Conference acknowledges the unprecedented levels of recruitment to the union over the last year. This growth is primarily because UNISON was prepared to get involved in organising industrial action to defend pensions in coordinated action with other public sector unions. Conference recognises that where we give strong and positive leadership, it inspires workers to become […]


Conference reaffirms its complete opposition to the government’s Health and Social Care Bill and other plans associated with the Liberating the NHS white paper. Conference believes that these represent the biggest threat to the integrity and values of the English NHS in its history. Conference asserts that the government’s moves towards a wholesale healthcare market […]

Trade Union Equality and Employment Rights

Conference is alarmed that employment rights are now firmly in the Coalition government’s sights for cutting as part of an alleged growth strategy for the Chancellor. This is rejected by Conference as making workers feel more insecure is both unfair, unequal and in fact decreases confidence in the economy. Conference deplores the increasing use by […]


Conference notes: 1) that the ConDem government is proposing cuts to housing benefits that will result in financial hardship and even evictions for hundreds of thousands of private and public sector tenants. This is not only the unemployed but families in work on low wages and pensioners; 2) new limits will restrict the maximum amount […]

Income Inequality

Conference notes 1) that the National Equality Panel report in 2010 noted that the gap between rich and poor in this country is the greatest it has been since the Second World War that the report of the High Pay Commission in 2011 predicts that if current trends continue, then by the year 2030 Britain […]

Time for Change

Time for Change Conference, the thorny subject of mental health as experience by Black people, needs examination. David Bennett died October 1988. Sir John Blofeld chair of the David Bennett, Independent Inquiry panel found that Institutional Racism exists within the Mental Health Services, in his report December 2005. One of the key recommendations: Do not […]

Policing Disadvantaged Communities

Conference notes with great concern how the cuts in policing will greatly disadvantage the excellent work previously undertaken to engage with disadvantaged communities. Independent Advisory Groups (IAGs) were set up following the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report highlighted that the police were disengaged with communities. IAGs have played an active role in ensuring that police engage […]


Conference on 2 September 2011 Eric Pickles, the Secretary for Communities and Local Government new guidance called ‘A fair deal for the community and voluntary sector.’ The guidance states councils should not carry out equality questionnaires and use the money saved to fund the community and voluntary sector. They claim that the questions asked about […]

Black Members and Pensions

While we all know the debate around Public Service pensions has reached a difficult and tense period, especially with all negotiations failing to be constructive and positive and the employers being more and more intransigent. We still do not have a true picture of how the changes in the Public Service Pension scheme affect our […]

Co-ordinated action against the various English, Scottish and Welsh Defence Leagues

Co-ordinated action against the various English, Scottish & Welsh Defence League: UNISON needs co-ordinated action against the various English,Scottish &Welsh Defence League: 1)This Conference notes the increasing number of English Defence League (EDL) actions across the country. Sites chosen for those actions have been deliberately selected to: –Increase fear and intimidation to Black communities –Increase […]

Call for Equality and Democracy in Swaziland

Call for Equality and Democracy in Swaziland Conference calls to set focus on Swaziland – a country so brutally savaged by the impact of HIV/AIDS, poverty, poor governance, and minus democratic rights. Swaziland is the only absolute monarchy in Africa; it is a country where 10% of 1.18 million population controls almost half of the […]

Black Workers, Pension and Poverty

The Government’s plan to drastically reform public sector pensions will condemn many Black people to a life of poverty in their old age. Black people’s poverty in retirement is directly linked to the discrimination and low levels of pay they experience throughout their working lives in the labour market. Conference notes the Runnymede Trust research […]

Speaking up against Racism

Speaking up against racism Conference welcomes another successful year where the BNP were driven back at the ballot box, thanks to the hard work of anti-racist and anti-fascist activists, many of whom are UNISON activists and members. Of the 258 candidates the BNP stood in the English local elections, only two were elected and they […]

Cancer and the Black Community

Conference is concerned by research that has shown greater numbers of women of African, African-Caribbean and Pakistani origin are likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer that has spread than white women. A breast cancer incidence and survival study found that 17% of Pakistani women, 15% of African women, 11% of African Caribbean women and […]

Supporting Black Communities

Conference pledges its solidarity with the communities and cities affected by the disturbances in August 2011. Conference condemns the widespread damage to property, homes, small businesses – many owned by Black people – and employees losing their workplaces and jobs. The disturbances devastated communities that could ill afford it. However, Conference notes that the stereotyping […]