Rights of Caucuses

The members of the Lesbian and Gay Caucus are concerned at views heard around this venue, during the 2003 Disabled Members’ Conference, questioning the appropriateness of the rights of caucuses. In particular the view that caucuses should have no practical function within conference. As Disabled Lesbian and Gay Members we feel offended by these views. […]

Fair Representation

Conference notes the lack of black disabled members in attendance. The number here is even fewer than at the last Conference in 2002. The Black Disabled Members’ Caucus expressed ongoing concerns and now calls upon the National Disabled Members’ Committee to liaise with the National Executive Council to take all necessary measures to ensure that […]

Genetic Testing in the Workplace

Conference is appalled by the response to the recent research conducted by Genewatch UK into employers’ views about the use of genetic testing in the workplace. This research findings showed that despite their poor predictive value, many employers wish to use genetic test results and many research projects are seeking to identify people who are […]

Supporting Disabled Parents

Conference welcomes the research conducted by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation that showed the common barriers that disabled people face in their role as parents. In particular we are concerned that public services fail to provide: 1)policies and services without consulting or involving disabled parents; 2)accessible advice and information including advocacy and peer support; 3)adequate services […]

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) also known as Myalgic Encephalitis (ME) is a much misunderstood disability, which can best be defined as severe and abnormal fatigue following minor physical or mental exertion. Symptoms may include severe fatigue which is not just feeling tired; sensitivity to light and noise; muscular pains; excessive sweating; severe headaches; sore throat; […]

Access at Petrol Stations

A motion was passed at Conference about two years ago, concerning access at petrol stations for disabled people, but no information appears to have been circulated in connection with this issue. Accordingly, Conference instructs the National Disabled Members’ Committee to prepare and circulate to all disabled members, prior to National Disabled Members’ Conference 2004 at […]

Standing Order 3 Motions and Amendments

SO.3.1Who can submit motions and amendments? Add at end “National Women’s Caucus” and “National Deaf (native British Sign Language users) Caucus.” Subsequently SO.3.2 Delete and replace with the following new Standing Order 3.2 “Those caucus groups set out in SO.3.1 shall be enabled to meet in accordance with the Disabled Members’ Conference timetable to submit […]

Asylum and Disabled People

Conference is greatly concerned about how disabled people who are seeking asylum in the UK are treated. Disabled people, by virtue of society’s inaccessibility, face additional discrimination when seeking asylum. There is no evidence to show that the European Year of the Disabled Person has improved opportunities for disabled people seeking resettlement in the UK. […]

Strengthening Disability Policy Within UNISON’s Affiliated Political Fund and the Labour Party

Conference welcomes the decision taken at UNISON National Delegate Conference to continue political links with the Labour Party. Further, Conference warmly welcomes the initiatives taken by the National Disabled Members’ Committee during the last year to establish a closer working relationship with the union’s Affiliated Political Forum. Conference agrees that the National Disabled Members’ Committee […]

A Single Disabled Person’s Travel Card

Conference notes that one of the greatest barriers faced by disabled people is inaccessible and inappropriate transport. They face considerable restrictions on their use of public transport and increasing restrictions on the use of their cars. Inaccessible buses, trains and stations, increasing pedestrianisation, parking restrictions and road pricing, and inaccessible travel information all contribute to […]

The Energy Market: failure of liberalisation

Conference notes with concern the deepening crisis in the electricity sector of the liberalised energy market. This has been demonstrated by 1.The near financial collapse of British Energy which has required the Government to provide guarantees to creditors and institute emergency legislation to ensure the continued operation of the company. 2.The financial difficulties faced by […]

Discrimination against part-time staff in the electricity supply pension scheme

The ruling determined by the House of Lords, that the Electricity Supply Pension Schemes had discriminated against part-timers by denying them access to the pension scheme, means that may UNISON members will see their pensions fully restored. This is undoubtedly excellent news, but requires positive action by our Employers. As this action is not forthcoming, […]