- Conference
- National Disabled Members 2003
- Date
- 11 July 2003
- Decision
- Carried
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) also known as Myalgic Encephalitis (ME) is a much misunderstood disability, which can best be defined as severe and abnormal fatigue following minor physical or mental exertion.
Symptoms may include severe fatigue which is not just feeling tired; sensitivity to light and noise; muscular pains; excessive sweating; severe headaches; sore throat; inability to concentrate and loss of memory.
At its most extreme, sufferers may be forced to spend much of their time lying in a darkened room and may even suffer severely enough not to be able to walk, which restricts them to a wheelchair, which then creates further complications.
Due to lack of knowledge concerning this disability, Conference instructs the National Disabled Members’ Committee to prepare and circulate to disabled members’ self-organised groups, regional and branch offices, including stewards and representatives, guidelines on the condition and a fully detailed plan for a publicity campaign about CFS, prior to National Disabled Members’ Conference 2004.