Conference will be aware that on 13 May 2014, an explosion at the coal mine in Soma, Manisa, western Turkey caused an underground mine fire which burned until 15 May killing a total, 301 people in what can only be described as the worst mining disaster in Turkey’s history. The mine, operated by coal producer […]
Conference motions
Conference condemns the persecution of Colombian unionists and political activists. 15% more trade unionists were killed in 2013 than in 2012. Congress deplores that 26 members of union backed Patriotic March, Colombia’s largest opposition movement, were killed in 2013 and many imprisoned, including two of its leaders. National Organiser Huber Ballesteros, who is also an […]
Conference is alarmed at the growing levels of sectarianism and division and continued and escalating violence and intimidation which is destabilising the peace process in Northern Ireland. Conference applauds the public stance taken by the Irish trade union movement currently led in Northern Ireland by UNISON. On the 31st January trade unionists led a public […]
Conference recognises that the role our shop stewards play in supporting members at work through discipline, grievance, absence procedures, changes to jobs, etc. can be very stressful on the individual stewards themselves. We recognise that stewards are often supporting members who have significant mental health issues. This can include members who consider suicide. The pressure […]
Schedule E 2 Delete “Brandon House, 180 Borough High Street, London SE1 1LW and replace with: “22nd floor, Euston Tower, 286 Euston Road, London, NW1 3JJ.”
Insert new Rule D 6.4: “D 6.4 Such Retired Members’ Sections shall have adequate and agreed funding for retired member activity and access to other resources subject to union guidelines.” Renumber subsequent paragraphs
Rule C 5.1 Delete second sentence “Any person……UNISON membership.”
Conference condemns the Tory-led Coalition Government’s plans to split the probation service to create a small national probation agency for England and Wales to manage high risk cases whilst leaving the majority of the work to the private sector. The plans would see the dismantling of the 35 current probation trusts, who will not be […]
Schedule E In 7. (d) delete “under these rules;” and replace with: “as specified in Section 78 of the Act; ” In 7 (i.) delete “;” replace with “.” Delete “and” Delete 7. (j) In 18 (a) insert after “be sent a voting paper by post”: “to his/her home address or another address that the […]
Rule D 6.6 add at end: “The National Retired Members’ Organisation may send two representatives of relevant retired members to each National Self-Organised Group Conference, with the right to speak but not to vote”.
Conference reaffirms our opposition to the sustained attack on local public services and the public service workers who deliver them – including brutal cuts to local government funding made by a Tory-led government pursuing an ideological agenda that rivals the Thatcher attack on councils in the 1980’s. Despite David Cameron saying councils were “officially the […]
Rule D 6.2 Delete existing Rule D 6.2 and replace with: “The retired members in a Branch may form a retired members’ section within the Branch and elect annually a retired members’ secretary and such other retired members’ officers as may be determined by them and also elect representatives to other levels of the retired […]
Conference notes the continuing and increasing use of zero hour contracts within the private home care sector and welcomes the work undertaken to promote UNISON’s Ethical Home Care Charter. Conference recognises that the procurement policies used by councils and other public bodies which focus on costs effectively encourages a race to the bottom in the […]
Insert new Rule D 6.3: “D 6.3 Such Retired Members’ Sections may formulate motions and proposals to the Branch Committee and the Regional Retired Members’ Committee.” Renumber subsequent paragraphs.
Discussion, debate and learning from one another are both at the heart of trade union education and are central to engaging people in union activity. Debate on the history of trade union struggle and the impact of political and economic change on working people and on women and minority groups in particular has always been […]