Treating our Members With Dignity and Respect

Police and Justice staff are well established members of our union and have been for decades. Police and Justice members work in very difficult circumstances both protecting the public and enforcing the law. The needs of these members are no different to that of other service groups. These members support our union and act with […]

A Health and Safety Response to a National Crisis of Stress and its Effects on Public Service Workers

Conference affirms that employers have a legal duty to protect both the health, and the safety of their employees in relation to the activities of the employer. Conference notes that work related stress is defined as ‘the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demand placed on them’. Stress is a […]

Justice for the Victims of the Windrush Scandal

Conference remains extremely concerned about the UK government’s approach to providing redress for the victims of the Windrush scandal. Conference notes the findings of the Windrush Lessons Learned Review led by Wendy Williams which concluded that the UK Home Office had shown “ignorance and thoughtlessness” on race throughout the scandal, that immigration regulations were tightened […]

Year of LGBT+ Workers – Embedding LGBT+ Equality in Our Union

Conference notes that we are halfway through celebrating the Year of LGBT+ Workers and welcomes the opportunity that this provides to promote UNISON as the union for LGBT+ workers, raise awareness of LGBT+ rights throughout the union, challenge discrimination, and recruit and activate LGBT+ members. The year highlights the important contribution our LGBT+ members make […]

Supporting Black Members Experiencing Racism

Despite UNISON’s continued efforts to tackle racism in public service workplaces, continued reports from the Police, Probation, NHS, and others demonstrate that significant changes are still required before equality for Black workers will ever materialise. Conference condemns the slow pace of change in too many workplaces and the exclusion of Black workers from discussions about […]

Tory Cuts to Police Funding Harms Community Safety

A decade of Tory austerity has starved our communities of essential services, eroded the resilience of the public sector and removed vital safety nets. Long term underfunding and cuts to key public services has made communities less safe and left vulnerable people without the help they need. Conference asserts that the most effective and least […]

Rule G Stewards

Insert a new bullet point under rule G 5.3: “complete the Union’s mandatory data protection training within three months of being elected; and any subsequent annual refresher training.”

Rule M Data Protection

Delete the current wording of existing rule M 6.2 and replace with: “For the avoidance of doubt, each branch and its members must abide by the data protection principles and requirements embodied in data protection legislation.”

Schedule E Political Fund Ballot

In paragraph 2 delete: “Lower Ground Floor, Fleetbank House, 2-6 Salisbury Square, London, EC4 8JX” Replace with: “8th Floor, Windsor House, 50 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0TL” In paragraph 6 a) delete: “a) the person satisfies the conditions which are for the time being specified by the Secretary of State pursuant to section 75 (2) […]

LGBT+ Rights

Conference notes: 1)UNISON’s strong support for trans rights and welcomes the introduction of trans ally training across the union; 2)The blocking of proposed reforms to the Scottish Gender Recognition Reform Bill by Westminster Tories. These reforms were intended to make life better for trans people who are amongst the most oppressed and victimised members of […]

Solidarity with Ukraine and its Labour Movement

Conference notes the devastating damage inflicted since the full scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2022. Ukraine was poor before the war, with a per capita GDP of $3,700 (one third of the poorest EU state); last year GDP fell by 30%. Unemployment is estimated by the IMF to be 19.4 percent. Six million […]

Rule M Data Protection

Delete the current wording of existing rule M 6.5 and replace with: “Data protection legislation refers to all applicable privacy and data protection laws relating to the processing of personal data and the privacy of electronic communications, in force in the UK including the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR); the Data Protection Act […]

Rules C, D, E, G, H, I, K, M, P and Schedules A, B, C, D in the UNISON rule book

Delete ‘she/he’ and replace with ‘they’ Delete ‘she/he has’ and replace with ‘they have’ Delete ‘she/he is’ and replace with ‘they are’ Delete ‘he/she is’ and replace with ‘they are’ Delete ‘she/he was’ and replace with ‘they were’ Delete ‘she/he shall’ and replace with ‘they will’ Delete ‘she/he meets’ and replace with ‘they meet’ Delete […]

Stop Tory Attacks on Disabled People’s Income and Independence

Conference notes the Conservative government’s publication of “Transforming Support: The Health and Disability White Paper” in March 2023. This put forward new plans to make disability benefits dependent on eligibility for Personal Independent Payments (PIP) and removed rights of appeal against some benefit decisions. The government announced the implementation of these plans in the Chancellors […]

Zane’s Law

Conference notes that current UK regulations with regard to toxic waste disposal and the danger to human life, to our environment and to the planet as a whole, from both historic landfill sites and currently approved landfill sites operating the ‘dry tomb’ principle, are dangerously inadequate. Especially so, in the face of climate breakdown, with […]