MOTION 4: How do we ensure ongoing legacy of Year of the Black Workers

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2024 National Black Members' Conference
14 September 2023


MOTION 4: How do we ensure ongoing legacy of Year of the Black Workers

In 2023 we celebrated Year of the Black Workers across our union and we thank the National Black Members Committee for all their efforts on our behalf.

So many Regions did not have access to any dedicated funding to support either Regional Black Members structures or Branches to really celebrate the year.

We now need to find a way to ensure the ongoing legacy in our union.

Conference we believe that the NEC should provide direction for annual funding from Regional Budgets, to be allocated to support all Branches, in their region to continue to recruit, support and involve Black Members in all Regional and Branch activities.

Conference therefore asks the National Black Members Committee to:

1. Explore with the NEC how to allocate annual funding to each region to work with the Regional Black Members structures to share Branch examples of Year of the Black Workers activities.

Please support thank you Conference.

East Midlands Regional Black Members Network

19 July 2023