MOTION 3: Creating TUC Regional Black Activists Committees

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2024 National Black Members' Conference
14 September 2023

Black Activists from the East and West Midlands became a formal committee at its first AGM in April 2023, previously it was an informal virtual network with an ad hoc meeting structure, we are called the TUC Midlands Black Activists Committee.

There are Black activists from across all the affiliated TUC trade unions in the Midlands.

As a formal structure in the TUC Midlands organising structures we play an essential role in highlighting the need to celebrate Windrush and Black History Month events, we are also directly involved in the planning of the annual TUC Midlands Equality Conference.

Conference it’s time that UNISON Black Activists get more involved in their regional TUC structures by creating their own TUC Regional (name of the region) Black Activists Committee at a formal AGM.

We have created a Work Plan for the next 2 years, TUC Staff member as the committee’s Secretary and another member of staff to advise on the activities of the other committees in the Midlands. Our work plan is also being used to promote the need for all other trade unions to also have a dedicated Year of the Black Workers, and identifying how to support and mentor potential Black Councillors and Black MP’S.

Conference therefore asks the National Black Members Committee to:

1 Explore with the TUC National Race Equality Committee how to promote the need for Regional TUC Black Activists Committees and for them to be annually funded accordingly.

Please support thank you Conference.

East Midlands Regional Black Members Network

19 July 2023