The Forthcoming Political Fund Ballot and Funding New Labour

By March 2005 UNISON has to legally ballot the whole membership on whether they wish to have a political fund or not. This fund, with its unique arrangement of two sections, affiliated and general, enables the union to donate monies to political parties and to fund campaigns deemed to be political. Conference believes that it […]

Regional Cost of Living Weightings

Conference recognises the high cost of living in London and the surrounding area. Conference notes: 1)according to the Land Registry the average price of a home in the south east region was £205,109 by the end of 2003, and the average price of a terraced house was £157,659. In Oxford the average home was £245,732 […]

End the Occupation of Iraq

Conference notes that ten months after the end of the war in Iraq: 1.The head of the Iraq survey group has stated that no Weapons of Mass Destruction exist, forcing the UK and UK governments to hold enquiries into the information on WMDs. 2. 3.The Hutton report is widely seen as having totally whitewashed the […]

Access to Facilities and Paid Time Off for All Trade Union Representatives

Conference welcomes the government’s new employment relations bill which contains many useful proposals including the right of unions to make it possible to uphold our rule books and expel elements of the far right from union membership. However, Conference regrets that the bill in its current form does not go far enough and leaves workers […]

Fighting the BNP

Conference believes that racist and fascist organisations have no place in a democratic and pluralistic society. Conference notes that the recent successes of the British National Party (BNP) have been achieved against a background of media-inspired hysteria against asylum seekers, poverty, supposedly failing public services and the failure of the traditional political parties to engage […]


Conference condemns the government’s failure to tackle the country’s housing crisis. Conference notes that since May 1997, only 1343 council houses have been built. Futhermore, housing finance rules mean that local authorities are prevented from directly investing in existing council housing in order to bring it up to a decent standard. The government’s priorities on […]

Public Services

Conference shares the government’s ambitions of a future fair for all, delivering to all citizens world class public services based on need and not the ability to pay. The public services have become the new political battleground on which the last general election was, and the next will be, fought. Conference notes with great regret […]

End the Two Tier Workforce

Despite government promises, a two-tier workforce is still operating in our public services. In England, Scotland and Wales, government has signed up to protocols about future services. In Northern Ireland, government is still considering proposals. In the meantime, low paid workers in health and education, who were privatised are being exploited. Conference calls upon the […]

Organising and Recruitment

Conference welcomes the dedicated work of regions and branches on organising and recruitment and congratulates the branches involved in the highly successful schools organising and recruitment campaigns, which led to significant increases in members, workplace contacts and stewards. Conference believes that UNISON is facing new and dynamic organisation pressures including: 1)a significant increase in public […]

Rule F.4.1 Regional Council

Rule F.4.1 after “power,” insert “,where relevant, in accordance with Rule B.2.7”

Rule D.2.8.5 Powers

Add new Rule D.2.8.5: “D.2.8.5 to issue a protocol on devolved administration and union governance” Renumber subsequent paragraphs.

Trade Union Education and Organising

Conference notes: 1)the effective development and delivery of education provision for UNISON activists and potential activists at branch, region and national level across UNISON, which enables in the region of 10,000 activists a year to access training; 2)the successful roll out of training for a new stream of activists, union learning representatives and lifelong learning […]


Conference is concerned that an increasing number of UK jobs are being offshored. The establishment of call centres in India and elsewhere has so far resulted in the loss of 1,500 jobs affecting UNISON members in the energy and water companies. While in the last two years 50,000 jobs in the UK finance sector alone […]

Policy Development, Bargaining and Devolution

Conference approves the recommendations contained in the National Executive Council’s report on Policy Development, Bargaining and Devolution: 1)The need for a clear set of basic values and actions to underpin the relationships between the UK level union and UNISON regions should be addressed through a devolution protocol. The protocol will incorporate an information and communications […]

Rule A.3 Anti-Discrimination Policy

Rules A.3, B.1.2, B.1.3, B.1.6, B.1.7, B.2.6, D.2.11.3, I.2.3 and Q Fair Representation after “sexuality,” insert “gender identity.” Rule B.2.3 delete “lesbians and gay men.” and insert “, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender members.”