UNISON members are not only on the frontline in the fight against COVID-19, they’ve also feeling the impact of the pandemic in many ways, from losing loved ones to losing pay.
Members in need have been turning to their union for help – and UNISON, through its unique welfare charity, There for You, has been there for them.
At the time of writing, the union has already agreed more than 900 requests for assistance for a £250 emergency grant.
But as the coronavirus crisis continues, Sian Stockham, the chair of the industrial action committee, is appealing to all branches to help bolster the funds that allow us to make those grants.
“UNISON branches and members have been incredibly generous in aiding our COVID-19 appeal,” said Ms Stockham, who is also the union’s senior vice-president.
“But as more and more of our members are affected, I would like to ask branches, once again, to donate up to 5% of their industrial action funds to UNISON’s COVID-19 fund.
“Branches’ industrial action funds are there to provide solidarity for members on rainy days – and it’s pouring down right now.
“For our health workers and care workers; for workers on the frontline and those unsung workers providing key services at this crucial time, and for those who have been personally affected by COVID-19 or have faced a loss of income,” said Ms Stockham.
“If you can, please make a donation to help us, help them.”