A new UNISON briefing is available on the government’s plans to ban ‘no-fault’ evictions by private landlords in England, outlining what the proposals mean for private tenants and what union members can do to push for further improvements.
The government said earlier in April that it will hold a consultation over its plans, which would mean that private landlords would no longer be able to evict tenants from their homes at short notice, without a valid reason.
They would also make it easier for landlords to regain their property if they wish to sell it or move into it themselves, as well as make changes to the court process to make it easier to settle disputes.
The UNISON briefing published this week says that, if the proposals are implemented, they could lead to open-ended or indefinite tenancies, meaning private tenants in England could stay in their home for the long term, or as long as they want – as they can in Scotland – unless they breach their tenancy agreement.
Assistant policy officer Sylvia Jones said the proposals are a major shift in government policy and “a huge victory for private tenants.” The proposals “will give them hope for a secure and stable home where they can lay down roots, raise their families and plan their lives.
“However, more needs to be done to solve the problem of rising rents and poor quality housing to give renters greater protections, security and stability in private renting.”