The national voice for renters, Generation Rent, is running a Renters’ Rights Awareness Week from 16-23 October.
The week will consist of a series of free webinars and podcasts designed to give renters an opportunity to learn about their rights with the aim of improving their experience in the private rented sector.
It will explore a variety of topics, including how to respond to the threat of an illegal eviction, how to afford your rent and what to do if a landlord won’t repair an issue in your home.
UNISON is affiliated to Generation Rent, which helps to ensure that private renters are fully informed of their rights as renters and their issues are heard by policymakers at both a local and national level.
UNISON is encouraging members who are private tenants to attend these events to be informed about their rights as well as to discuss their experiences with the Generation Rent team and other industry experts.
For more information and to sign up for the free online events, click here.