Are we making a difference for equality in your workplace?

Can you spare five minutes to help UNISON win equality in the workplace?

How successful is UNISON when it comes to promoting and winning equality in the workplace?

That is the question the union’s 2016 online equality survey aims to answer.

Aimed at all UNISON members, the survey asks unison members about their experience of equality and discrimination where they work.

UNISON is urging all members to take part in the survey, as the answers will help the union identify where things are going well, and where we can do better.

The survey is for UNISON members and can be completed anonymously, although members do have the option to include contact details in case the union needs to follow something up.

It will also include some specific questions about pressure at work, stress, and mental health, as this is of significant and growing concern.

The survey takes about five minutes to complete and can be found online at