Since the voting packs were printed, it has come to light that there was a failure to process a nomination form from Sheffield Metropolitan local government branch.
That nomination has since been checked by the Scrutineer, who has confirmed it as a valid nomination for Heather Wakefield.
Unfortunately it was too late to include this nomination in the voting material circulated with the voting papers. An apology has been issued to the candidate and the branch.
A revised summary of nominations for all candidates is below
Roger Bannister, Knowsley branch
Nominated by 25 branches
John Burgess, Barnet local government branch
Nominated by 62 branches and 1 regional council
Dave Prentis, general secretary
Nominated by 204 branches, 8 regional councils, 6 service groups and the National Executive Council
Heather Wakefield, national secretary for local government, police and justice
Nominated by 82 branches, 1 regional council, and 1 service group