UNISON’s national schools committee is the voice of school members within the union. It is made up of representatives from across the UK and meets four times a year to discuss education policy issues, campaigning, recruitment and organising UNISON members in schools.
At its last meeting in September the committee discussed a range of issues including:
- campaigns against cuts to tax credits and the unfairness of term-time working;
- UNISON’s success in winning the Living Wage in a growing number of schools;
- professional registration for support staff in Wales
- school meals workers;
- childcare and administration of medicines issues in Scotland;
- the endorsement of Heather Wakefield as a candidate in the upcoming election for UNISON’s general secretary. About the election.
UNISON also has forums and committees for schools members in its regions.
If you are interested in getting more involved in UNISON’s work we’d be delighted – please speak to your branch!