Health branches in England are mobilising for the 13 October strike for fair pay, for four hours from 7am to 11am.
This will be followed by four days of action short of a strike, on Tuesday 14 October to Friday 17 October, focused on making sure members take their breaks.
In addition to the four hour strike on 13 October, members in the smbulance service will be called on to work no overtime during the period 14-17 October.
Members of the British Association of Occupational Therapists (BAOT) and of Managers in Partnership (MiP) who have been balloted are also covered by this.
The union is calling on all health branches in England to start mobilising for successful action now.
Get members to update their details on the UNISON membership system.
Let us know what they are planning by emailing
Order materials to help build for successful action now via our online catalogue. These include
- Five days for fair pay, industrial action leaflet – stock number 3463;
- Five days for fair pay, industrial action leaflet for ambulance staff – stock number 3467;
- Poster – stock number 3462;
- Stickers – stock number 3440;
- Placards – stock number 3406.
Order now using the online catalogue (if an “out of stock” message appears, this is a computer error – please carry on with your order)
The Royal College of Midwives has voted for strike action, alongside other health unions in England.
The RCM announced its result yesterday,with an 82.2% vote for strike action and 94.6% for action short of a strike.