Today’s Ofsted survey underlines that young people need clear, expert advice and careers guidance, says UNISON.
“Unfortunately, in its ideological fervour, the government destroyed the Connexions and careers service,” said Jon Richards national secretary for education and children’s services. But he added that, while the government described the service as ’patchy’, “it has replaced it with a system that is almost non-existent.”
The report from the ffice for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills said that thehree quarters of English schools it visited did no tprovide “adequate” careers advice.
Devolving the duty to deliver careers advice to schools had no funding and weak national guidance to enforce it – so was bound to fail.
“In recent years, the government has continued to ignore regular advice from UNISON, other key stakeholders and business leaders, alarmed at the void they have created.
“We have repeatedly advised the government that without statutory rigour, strong coherent standards and funding, schools will not be able to deliver a proper careers service.
“We have also consistently argued for the retention of face to face guidance – vital for those with additional needs. It’s really helpful if you can see someone who has seen you before and knows you and your school. Unfortunately it’s often in the schools that have the most social deprivation where the advice is weakest.”