UNISON is calling on people to sign a petition calling for more resources for trading standards to protect the public.
The union is publishing a series of reports under the umbrella title of The Damage, into the impact of council cuts on local communities, including trading standards and environmental health.
In June, the union had a successful presence at the Trading Standards Institute conference (find out more here) and took part in a plenary discussion on how cuts are affecting trading standards’ capacity to protect the public and round up criminals.
UNISON has also launched a leaflet telling the public about what trading standards do and why they need public support.
The leaflet can be ordered as a stock item from the UNISON online catalogue (no 3274) and it contains details of a petition people that can sign, calling for more resources for trading standards.
Branches are asked to circulate details of the petition to stewards and members, and order copies of the leaflet to use at public events.
Last week also saw an important debate in the House of Lords, initiated in response to The Damage campaign, where the “crippling pressure” afflicting trading standards and environmental health was discussed – including the difficulties there will be in dealing with major incidents like the horse-meat scandal or a legionnaires outbreak if the services can no longer do pro-active work.