Black members stress need to build the union

UNISON’s Black members stressed the importance of recruitment, encouraging young members, and getting people to vote at their annual conference in Sheffield today.

In a busy session, Manjula Kumari for the national Black members’ committee, pointed out that “young Black people and young people in general have been unfairly affected by this government’s cuts”.

And she continued: “Let’s go back and let’s recruit young members”.

Neema Williams, a young member and first-time speaker, stressed how remarkable the annual conference is – “the largest in Europe; a major achievement by UNISON”.

But she went on to urge members to make it even more welcoming for young members.

“If our young Black people are not interested,” she said, “then the fault is our own. All branches must be looking to develop the next generation of activists.”

UNISON president Chris Tansley also raised the importance of recruiting in the union’s forthcoming major campaign, when he addressed conference at the beginning of the morning’s business.

“Now is the time to recognise all potential and be involved in the recruitment drive that will begin in March,” he told them.

And he added that there would be a campaign to get people voting.

Mr Tansley noted that the government wants “to get out of Europe so that it can unpick equalities legislation”.

Black members in UNISON