Dr Syed Mujtaba Hasnain Nadir was recognised for his work in challenging bullying and harassment experienced by Black staff, when he received the UNISON-sponsored workforce innovator award at the inaugural National BAME Health and Care Awards.
The awards ceremony took place at the UNISON Centre in London last night. Dr Nadir was presented with his award by Carol Sewell (above left), of the union’s NEC and national Black members’ committee, and Maria Alberts (above right) from the UNISON healthcare service group executive.
Dr Nadir, of the Pennine acute trust, has also been key in improving induction and training support for overseas staff, changing a toxic environment to one that is positive and friendly for everyone from any background.
Presenting the award, Ms Alberts recalled that when she started working in the health service in Gateshead 25 years ago, she was the only Black member of staff.
Now 25% of the workforce is Black.
She said UNISON was proud to sponsor the award, which “couldn’t have come at a better time for us in the week that we launched UNISON’s Race for Equality campaign to give a fresh focus to our work in the health sector.”
The campaign aims to help UNISON representatives champion equality and tackle workplace racism in all its forms; challenging employers to do better and empowering staff to use their voice and lead the change.
UNISON knows that too often Black staff feel nothing will be done if they raise issues like bullying and harassment or exclusion, she said.
The union is working to try to turn that around, “giving members confidence that together we can do something about it and that sponsoring this award is a fantastic opportunity to support and celebrate individuals and teams who can show us successful ways to achieve real change”.
Find out more about the Race for Equality campaign