Last week, UNISON proudly took the issues that matter to our 1.3 million members into the TUC. Thanks to UNISON, our movement will continue to campaign on the issues that define the future of our country and public services.
One of the key issues that we took to the TUC Congress in Manchester was our fight against privatisation, and in the coming days, we’ll be doing the same at Labour Party conference.
Complete opposition to the privatisation agenda has always been a demand of our union, and now – after many years when Labour pushed privatisation, rather than opposing it – we have a Labour Party willing to take on the profiteers in our public services.
I was pleased to hear John McDonnell note our fight against PFI last week in his speech to the TUC, but our party can and must go further still, by bringing all public services back in house, ending privatisation once and for all.
It may sound like an ambitious, radical proposal – but given the state of our public services after a decade of austerity, the situation demands radicalism and ambition. And it needs a Labour Party willing to do what’s best for public services, and that’s put them back in public hands