Our union is made up of so many special people, who dedicate their lives to their friends, their communities and our movement. Lillie McNaughton was one of those people. A brilliant trade union activist, Lillie was police convenor for many years in the Strathclyde regional council branch of UNISON, and later became an active member of the Strathclyde Police and Fire branch.
Active in the union until her 80s, she represented retired members with distinction and determination at a branch, Scottish and UK-wide level, “wee Lillie” will be missed by all those who knew her.
Yet it is a testament to the kind of person that she was, that her first speech at UNISON National Delegate Conference wasn’t about her generation which she served so well, it was in support of the rights of 16 year olds, including the right to vote – a true example of solidarity across the generations within our movement. Lillie went on to speak with passion on the same issue at our 2009 conference and again at STUC Conference in 2010 at the age of 80. She was made an honorary UNISON Scotland young member as a result.
She will be missed by her friends in UNISON Scotland and across our union, and by those who she stood up for in the workplace and the conference hall. Our thoughts are with all those who knew her.