Today was a proud day for our union, as we welcomed our friend and comrade Jeremy Corbyn to address National Delegate Conference. Jeremy an ally of our union throughout his decades in parliament, going back to his time as a NUPE organiser. He’s a UNISON MP, a proud UNISON member and a supporter of the causes that matter most to our members – properly funded public services, peace and justice around the world and an attack on the low pay and housing crises which blight our society.
So on June 8th, when a tidal wave hit the political establishment and Labour’s vote surged, our union was delighted that millions of voters were seeing in Jeremy what we have always known to be true – he is decent and honest. He passionately fights for those in need. And he shows compassion that is all too lacking in the current Prime Minister.
We have been with Jeremy when times were tough and we will be with him in the years ahead. So when the next election comes, which may not be too far off, we will be ready to fight for him and for a different vision of our country again – because his agenda is our agenda.
And I hope that the next time we welcome Jeremy to NDC, it is as our Prime Minister.