UNISON believes health and safety in the workplace is an issue for everyone. Every year, thousands of people suffer accidents and ill-health at work – most of which could be avoided.
- Accidents
- Alcohol, drugs and substance abuse
- Back pain
- Computers
- Eye care
- First aid provision
- Hazard reporting
- Home and Hybrid working
- Manual handling
- Occupational health
- Risk assessment
- Smoking in the workplace
- Working at height
- Working environment
- WRULDs and RSI
- Stress
Mpox (monkeypox) – bargaining to support members
19 August 2024
noneAs more is discovered about the monkeypox virus, this guidance highlights the need for reps and branches to negotiate for better sick pay as well as medical exclusion pay, and to be vigilant about discrimination.
Negotiating Sickness Absence Agreements
5 February 2024
noneNegotiating sickness absence agreements. – a guide for UNISON branches – updated January 2024.
Available as a PDF download only. -
Domestic violence and abuse; a trade union issue
15 November 2022
noneAn A4 document outlining why domestic violence and abuse in a trade union issue and including a model agreement between branches and employer. Updated August 2022.
Work-related stress
25 October 2022
noneA toolkit for organising around work related stress
Model covid pledge branch letter
9 August 2022
noneModel letter for branches to encourage employers to sign up to the Indy Sage Covid pledge
How to work safely (April 2022)
11 April 2022
noneGuidance for UNISON members as more workplaces open and more staff return to their workplaces. Updated April 2022.
Cut stress – not jobs A5 leaflet
16 February 2022
none -
Homeworking and hybrid working safely
23 December 2021
none -
COVID-19 and Ventilation in the workplace – Guidance for UNISON Safety Representatives
23 July 2021
none -
Branch health and safety rep poster
29 March 2021
noneA poster aimed at recruiting more UNISON health and safety reps. With space for branches to add their own contact details.
Covid-19 Risk Assessment Presentation
19 May 2020
noneCovid-19 Risk Assessment Presentation
Ten top tips to make your workplaces safer
14 October 2019
none -
Health and safety – The Basics. A guide for new UNISON safety reps.
3 July 2019
noneAn invaluable guide for all Health and safety reps. This easy to read booklet will guide you through your rights and duties, give you some basic information on health and safety and point you to some other sources of information and support.
Health, safety and young people. A UNISON guide for members
19 June 2019
noneA booklet outlining the health and safety issues facing young people in the workplace
Violence at work – it’s not part of the job
9 April 2019
noneA leaflet outlining what you should do if you are experiencing violence at work
International Workers’ Memorial Day – leaflet
25 January 2019
noneAn A5 leaflet advertising International Workers’ Memorial Day. This is not year specific so can be used every year.
Health and Safety and the GIG economy. An organising guide for safety reps
1 November 2018
noneThis guide for UNISON branches and safety reps explains how the GIG economy has affected the health and safety of UNISON members and how branches and safety reps can organise and campaign to represent and recruit members
We take your health and safety seriously, so should you
23 October 2018
noneA two sided A5 general health and safety leaflet with a join UNISON message. It highlights the fact that we have a network of trained safety reps who can deal with health and safety issues in the workplace. PDF only
UNISON Health and Safety Unit Structure
26 September 2018
noneInfo Sheet Sept 18
Respect me
14 August 2018
noneA guide for young workers on bullying and harassment at work
Women’s Health and Safety
20 March 2018
noneA5 booklet on women’s health and safety that highlights some of the issues and how UNISON can help members deal with these issues
Equalities and health and safety
6 March 2018
noneA leaflet aimed at encouraging members from the union’s self-organised groups to consider putting themselves forward to become safety reps.
Behavioural Safety. A guide for members.
20 February 2018
noneBehavioural safety programmes try and claim that workplace injuries are the result of unsafe acts by workers. UNISON is very clear that this approach is not good health and safety management.
Aches, pains & strains A5 leaflet
20 February 2018
noneA leaflet for members on aches, pains and strains. Are you at risk of harm and what should your employer do?
Slips and trips leaflet
20 February 2018
noneA leaflet for UNISON members, stewards, and safety representatives on Slips and Trips – is your floor surface an accident waiting to happen? Updated February 2018.
Lone working leaflet
20 February 2018
noneA health and safety guide on lone working for members. 8pp A5 booklet.
Aches, pains and strains poster
8 February 2018
noneAches, pains and strains or asking our bodies to do too much can cause long term or permanent injury. This A4 poster aims to raise awareness amongst members and potential members. Available as a PDF for download only.
Policies Legionnaires Disease Information Sheet 2
1 February 2018
none -
Tackling Stress at Work PowerPoint
4 October 2017
none -
Fire Safety Information Sheet Aug 17
25 September 2017
noneThis information sheet aims to give safety reps a basic understanding of fire safety and fire risk assessments under the current law.
Keeping Safe A5 leaflet on the safety of cleaning materials
9 August 2017
noneAn A5 leaflet on the issue of the safety of cleaning materials and what UNISON is doing to keep staff safe.
Keeping Clean Keeping Safe Report on the use of chemicals to combat superbugs
8 August 2017
noneA report looking at the issues around the safe use of chemicals when cleaning to combat superbugs. PDF only.
2017 UNISON stress survey
30 March 2017
none2017 UNISON stress survey: summary report and full data
Guardians of health and safety – Stickers
29 March 2017
noneGuardians of health and safety stickers. 15 stickers per sheet. Please order number of sheets required, not numbers of stickers.
Slips, Trips and Falls information sheet
30 January 2017
noneSlips, trips and falls (STFs) are often seen as a joke, but they are no laughing matter. They occur all too
frequently and can cause some very serious injuries. -
Are you exposed to hazardous substances at work? A UNISON guide
24 January 2017
noneMost workplaces will contain some hazardous substances and employers must ensure that staff and visitors are not harmed by them. This guide helps you do that.
Disability and health and safety Updated December 2016
23 December 2016
noneBooklet highlighting some of the workplace health and safety issues faced by disabled workers and advice on how they can be resolved or improved with the help of health and safety and equality legislation. Updated December 2016
UNISON Members Health and Safety Structure
14 October 2016
none -
Resilience and well-being. A guide for members.
11 October 2016
noneSome employers are now talking about making workers more resilient. UNISON is very clear that this approach is not good health and safety management.
Behavioural guide – a new workplace hazard to risk assess
23 February 2016
noneThis guide explains that whilst “human factors” should be considered when managing health and safety, behavioural safety programmes tend to blame workers. The guide looks at common failures for these programmes, and how branches can oppose their introduction.
Are you safe and healthy at work?
11 August 2015
noneA4 poster promoting good health and safety practices in the workplace. Updated August 2015
Safety in numbers: health and safety newsletter July 2015
1 July 2015
noneA four page newsletter aimed at UNISON health and safety reps, branch health and safety officers and UNISON members with an interest in health and safety
Safety representatives and safety committees – (brown book) updated 2015
18 May 2015
noneThis booklet is intended for use in education courses and other training situations to provide UNISON safety representatives with information about their legal rights. Updated 2015
Asbestos Q&A
21 August 2014
noneAimed primarily at UNISON health & safety reps, this explains what asbestos is, the threat it poses to workers and the public, what UNISON is campaigning for and what branches and members can do to support the campaign and protect their members
UNISON evidence to triennial review of HSE
13 January 2014
noneUNISON evidence is response to call for evidence for triennial review of HSE. This is for information and aimed primarily at UNISON Safety Reps.
Working at height health and safety information sheet
3 October 2013
noneGuidance on safe working at height and with ladders, checklist and employers duties. Audience – safety reps and members.
MRSA health and safety information sheet
10 June 2013
noneThis factsheet about the superbug MRSA highlights prevention and control measures in the workplace. It is aimed at branch officials, stewards and safety reps.
UNISON inspection notices health and safety information sheet
10 June 2013
noneGuidance for safety reps explaining how to give employers formal notice they are not complying with health and safety legislation in respect of an identified workplace hazard.
Overcrowding health and safety information sheet
10 June 2013
noneExplains the legal requirement on employers to ensure people can move freely and with ease at work and what action branches can take where this is not the case.
Noise at work health and safety information sheet
10 June 2013
noneThe problem with noise, assessing risk, and other regulations applying to noise.
Gloves health and safety information sheet
10 June 2013
noneThis briefing is intended to alert branches to some of the issues they should consider where gloves are concerned.
First aid at work health and safety information sheet
10 June 2013
noneSpells out what is expected of employers to comply with their legal duty to provide adequate and appropriate first-aid in the workplace.
Dermatitis health and safety information sheet
10 June 2013
noneThis Information Sheet features: Symptoms, causes and prevention, including the legal protections for people working with hazardous substances and what employers must do to avoid risk to staff.
Eye tests and VDUs health and safety information sheet
10 June 2013
noneInformation about the problems associated with using display equipment, and of the legal duty on employers to provide workers with eye tests and rest breaks.
Hand using special computer mouse. Credit: Chris Taylor
5 November 2012
none -
Messy office
29 October 2012
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Blood pressure testing. Credit: BigStock
23 October 2012
none -
woman with cigarette. Royalty free.
22 October 2012