UNISON National Stress Seminar 2017

1 November 2017 10:30am–5:00pm

130 Euston Road London NW1 2AY

To coincide with National Stress Awareness Day on Wednesday 1 November, UNISON is holding a Stress Seminar at UNISON Centre in London UNISON is marking National Stress Awareness Day with a one-day seminar to be held at UNISON Centre, Euston Road, London NW1 2AY. We will be discussing the origins of stress in the workplace […]

National hate crime awareness week

14 October 2017 2:00am–2:00am

Hate is a workplace issue that UNISON is determined to address.  We can tackle hate crime by raising awareness, encouraging reporting, supporting our members and negotiating workplace policies which promote zero tolerance and provide support for staff affected.  National hate crime awareness week https://www.nationalhcaw.uk/ is the ideal time to raise this issue.  New UNISON guidance […]

UNISON celebrates the journey of Black trade unionism

20 October 2017 1:00pm–8:30pm

UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London. NW1 2AY

A networking and community event to celebrate Black History Month. A free one-day event focusing on the journey and link with trade unionism that brought many Black people to the shores of Great Britain. The theme for the event is “The History of Black Trade Unionism across the Diaspora – The Journey”. There will be […]

UNISON and TUC lobby of Parliament on pay

17 October 2017 4:00pm–10:00pm

Parliament Square, Westminster, London

UNISON’s Pay Up Now! campaign is putting real pressure on MPs and the Westminster Government to end the pay cap for all public sector workers, and give everyone the pay rises they need and deserve. The pressure we are putting on Conservative MPs is already beginning to pay off, but we’re saying loud and clear […]

A tribute to Jayaben Desai: An unlikely and reluctant star of the British trade union movement

2 October 2017 7:30pm–10:30pm

Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS

A SERTC Black History Month event celebrating the life of Jayaben Desai who fought for better pay, conditions and dignity for workers in 1976 and 1977, on behalf of 137 sacked and poorly paid Asian women.

UNISON Cymru Wales School Support Staff Seminar

28 September 2017 11:30am–6:00pm

Marriott Hotel, Mill Lane, Cardiff CF10 1EZ

Help build the vision for the future of schools in Wales. Share your views and hear from the experts. Meet people from right across the school team and from right across Wales.

Support EU citizens’ right to remain day of action

13 September 2017 4:00pm–8:00pm

Palace of Westminster London SW1A 0AA

On 13 September, UNISON members will join a lobby of parliament to speak up for the rights of EU nationals. UNISON believes that EU citizens currently living in the UK make a major contribution to society and should be allowed to stay here after the UK leaves the EU. We are calling on the government […]

Fair Funding for All Schools

16 July 2017 2:00pm–5:00pm

Victoria Embankment and Parliament Square, London

March, family activities and rally for fair school funding in England A Carnival Against the Cuts organised by parent group Fair Funding for All Schools to oppose school budget cuts in England. Supported by NUT, NAHT, ATL and UNISON. Assemble Victoria Embankment at 12.00 Rally in Parliament Square at 1.30pm. Family fun activities and picnics. […]

Liberty Festival

15 July 2017 3:30pm–8:30pm

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford, London, E20 2ST

Liberty Festival presented at World Para Athletics Championships Enjoy the best of Deaf and disability arts plus sports with this free event at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park! Don’t miss live performances throughout the day: Street theatre, Circus, Live music, dance and DJs Try out a range of sports for free: Wheelchair basketball Sitting volleyball, Boccia […]

UK Black Pride

9 July 2017 2:00pm–9:00pm

London Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens, Vauxhall, London, SE11 5HL

Carnival themed Big Picnic in the park family music festival, with a main stage, live music and entertainment UNISON LGBT will have a stall at the event, come along on the day and say hello. The main stage will promote political messages against the racism, sexism and homophobia which blight Black and LGBT peoples’ lives. […]

National Deaf (BSL users) network day

1 July 2017 4:00pm–6:30pm

The Circle, 33 Rockingham Lane, Sheffield, S1 4FW

National Disabled Members Caucus Network Days, Deaf Caucus ( BSL users)

National Disabled Black members network day

29 June 2017 4:00pm–6:30pm

UNISON Centre 130 Euston Road, London NW1 2AY

National Disabled Members Caucus Network Days

National Disabled women members network day

29 June 2017 1:00pm–3:30pm

UNISON Centre 130 Euston Road, London NW1 2AY

A voice for you at disabled members conference.

National Disabled LGBT members network day

28 June 2017 1:00pm–6:00pm

UNISON Centre 130 Euston Road, London NW1 2AY

National Disabled Members Caucus Network Days

Understanding the apprenticeship levy

7 June 2017 12:30pm–6:00pm

UNISON, UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London, NW1 2AY

Learning and Organising, Young Members, Apprentices