National Disabled Black members network day

29 June 2017 4:00pm–6:30pm

UNISON Centre 130 Euston Road, London NW1 2AY



A voice for you at disabled members conference.

Meetings have been arranged to ensure that members from under-represented groups within disabled member self organisation have better access to the disabled members conference agenda.

Members who wish to attend the caucus meetings should seek branch or regional sponsorship; this will enable them to participate in conference itself. Disabled members’ conference will be held in Manchester from 28-30 October, further details will be issued to branches.

The meetings will take place at the UNISON National Office London.

These caucus meetings allow these groups to submit motions and amendments in line with the conference timetable –as set out by the Standing Orders Committee. There are four caucus groups – black members; women members; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) members and Deaf (BSL users) members.

The equivalent of second class travel and refreshments will be provided nationally for these events.

Any other costs including accommodation will need to be funded by your branch. You must seek permission from your branch before you register your attendance.

Deadline to register for meetings is Weds 31 May 2017

Registration is required to

Members only.