Get your MP to sign up for libraries

Want to do something to speak up for libraries ahead of National Library Day on 8 February?

Get your MP to sign Alex Cunningham’s early day motion EDM1028 in support of libraries and the staff who work hard to make them a success.

The motion says MPs recognise that “public library services are an essential part of communities across the country; welcome the role they play in providing access to learning for millions of people and how they serve as a hub for local people and note the importance of the professional expertise and skills of library staff in delivering a quality service.”

It also points out that “libraries best benefit our society when they are well funded and supported through strong national leadership.”

UNISON has worked the Mr Cunningham to draft the MP to appeal to a broad range of MPs, and Mathew Egan – the union’s lead on libraries – said: “National Libraries Day is a celebration of all the great things libraries do. It is an opportunity for the great work that our library workers to be recognised and highlighted.”

Please ask your MP to sign the early day motion and join in that recognition. If you’re not sure who your MP is or how to contact them, see the They Work for You website.

House of Commons: EDM1028: National Libraries Day (link opens in new window)

They Work for Your – MPs (link opens in new window)

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