Zero hours crackdown misses the mark

UNISON, the UK’s largest union, today (25 June) warned that banning exclusivity clauses does not go far enough in helping over a million workers stuck on zero hour contracts.  The problems facing workers on zero hours are far more wide ranging for the workforce and for vulnerable people relying on public services.  The union is calling for an outright ban on exploitative zero hours contracts across the public sector.
Dave Prentis, General Secretary of UNISON said:
“Banning exclusivity clauses misses the bigger picture for workers on zero hours contracts.  They leave workers not knowing day to day, week to week, what work they will get and what money they will have coming in.  It makes planning impossible and leaves workers unable to get credit, loans, mortgages or rental agreements.  The uncertainty damages their family life and health and well-being.
“Members tell us that they are too scared to turn down work, or take time off to go to the doctors or to go on holiday in case their employer ‘punishes’ them with fewer hours or no work at all.
“Zero Hours contracts are being increasingly used in public services – particularly homecare where continuity of care is so important.  The Government should have been tougher and stamped on these abuses.  UNISON is calling for tougher measures to ban exploitative zero hours contracts across the public sector.”