Public Service Workers under Pressure

Conference notes that as a consequence of the unprecedented job cuts introduced by the Conservative government, the workload pressure being faced by many people working in public services is reaching a critical level. The effects on the well-being of our members, as working life becomes ever more stressful, and on the quality and sustainability of […]

Rule D Service Group Conference

Add new rule D 3.4.9 “D 3.4.9 The Private Contractors National Forum may submit up to two motions and amendments to the Group’s National Conference.” Renumber current rules D 3.4.9-3.4.11 to D 3.4.10-3.4.12.

Rule D Service Group Conference

Add new rule D “D Two representatives (being members of branches in the relevant service group) of the Private Contractors National Forum at national level.” Renumber current rules D and D to D and D

Public Service Campaigning – Stop Outsourcing and Protect Members

Conference believes that keeping existing public services in – house should be the default position for all public services on the grounds that public services offer better quality, accountability, efficiency and social value to citizens, workers and tax payers. Any new forms of non public service delivery should not be considered until: 1)An in-house service […]

The fight for fair sickness absence procedures and ‘Disability Leave’

Conference is concerned about the Treasury led consultation on the review of sickness absence in the public sector. This includes a review of current sickness management systems and sick pay. The review could lead to a weakening of rights and have a detrimental impact on disabled workers. The Conservatives have indicated their contempt for Employment […]

Bullying and Young Members

Conference recognises that the cuts in local government are adding to the already high levels of overwork. Staff are being asked to carry a heavier workload due to the reduction in staffing levels but continuing and sometimes increasing demands for services. In many councils the number of managers has been reduced with remaining managers expected […]

Bullying and Young Members

Conference notes with great concern the high number of our young members experiencing bullying and harassment within workplaces. In a recent survey conducted by the Scottish Young Members Committee it was found that 75% of our young members had experienced bullying and harassment of some variety. 7% of the 75% had experienced violence in the […]

Incapability Dismissals

Conference notes that some employers have introduced Incapability Procedures which are designed to make it easier to terminate contracts on the grounds of either ill-health or performance. Conference is concerned that these procedures are or will be used to remove workers from employment instead of making them redundant through cuts and therefore incurring the costs […]

Local government members and the Housing Bill

Conference notes the proposed Housing and Planning Bill will have a devastating effect on existing and future social housing provision. The Bill proposes to: 1)Compel councils to sell off ‘high value’ homes on the open market when they become empty; 2)End lifetime secure tenancies, meaning the break up of stable and mixed communities; 3)Introduce means […]

Facility Time

This Conference notes that motions on cuts to facility time have been debated and passed at Local Government Conference in 2013, 2014 and 2015. This Conference notes that the motion passed in 2013 called for the development of ‘…practical and immediate support measures for branches facing cuts to facility time’. This Conference notes that the […]

Term Time Contracts and Schools Workers

Conference believes that enforced term-time contracts penalise a predominantly female workforce and compound the problems of low pay in schools. Teachers are automatically put on full-year contracts, but many support staff working alongside them are forced to take term time only contracts. This can reduce the salaries of support staff by up to 20% and […]

Restructure of National Joint Council (NJC) Green Book Pay Spine

Conference notes that the introduction of the Chancellor’s Living Wage is likely to mean that over a third of the NJC Green Book pay spine will have to be deleted by 2020. Authorities will need to consider the impact of this in terms of cost and its affect on pay and grading structures. The consequences […]

Public Ownership of Energy Utilities

Conference believes 1)The changes within the Labour Party since the leadership election in 2015 indicate a welcome move towards UNISON’s long-held view that the Energy Industry should be brought back into public ownership. 2)There is now a golden opportunity to provide support and information to help consolidate this view within the labour movement. 3)The research […]

Resourcing For Devolution

Conference notes that the Westminster Government continued austerity measures are devastating local authority services and undermining our communities across the UK. UNISON members are facing mass redundancies; threats of privatisation; cuts to pay and terms and conditions and massively increased workloads and pressure. In these core and common issues UNISON can and should continue to […]

Women, the refugee crisis and trafficking

The government’s Immigration Bill is a draconian piece of legislation designed to criminalise and stigmatise immigrants and undocumented people. It is part of a wider, ongoing government attempt to appear tough on immigration to an increasingly sceptical public. While millions of people were moved after seeing the washed up body of three year old Aylan […]