Schedule B Accident Benefit

Insert new Schedule B 2.7.3 and renumber accordingly: “2.7.3 The above benefit will rise in line with the Retail Price Index (RPI) immediately after the National Delegate conference each year. However if the RPI falls into a minus percentage the above benefit will not be reduced.”

Schedule B Death Benefit

Insert new Schedule B 2.6.3 and renumber accordingly: “2.6.3 The above benefit will rise in line with the Retail Price Index (RPI) immediately after the National Delegate Conference each year. However if the RPI falls into a minus percentage the above benefit will not be reduced.”

Women and the cuts

Conference condemns the continued attack on women and the price they are paying for the harsh austerity measures. Women’s unemployment stands at a 23 year high, with a staggering 1.09 million women unemployed. Cuts in public sector employment are having a disproportionate effect on women, and women in communities across the country are struggling to […]

Opposing the far right

Conference notes the continued threat of the far right and how these extremist groups are exploiting the impact of austerity measures to gain support. In the last year we have seen an increase of attacks on mosques and firebombing of shops owned by minority groups. British Muslims, heavily targeted by the likes of the British […]

End child poverty

Conference is deeply concerned that the UK has one of the highest rates of child poverty in the industrialised world. It is a national disgrace that the UK has proportionally more children in poverty than most rich countries. Almost four million of our children will grow up in poverty and these numbers are rising. This […]

Rule I Disciplinary Action

Rule I 8.5 Add at end “up to a maximum of 36 months;” Rule I 8.6 Add at end “up to a maximum of 36 months;”

Stop disability hate crime

Conference is concerned about the level of hate crime aimed at disabled people. Although there is no legal definition of disability hate crime the Association of Chief Police Officer (ACPO) and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) agree that it can be defined as “any criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim or any other […]

Disability leave

Conference recognises that distinguishing between general sickness absence and disability-related sickness absence is vital as it helps remove the disadvantage and discrimination experienced by disabled people in the workplace. In the current climate of recession and redundancy it has never been more important for disability leave policies to be negotiated and implemented by employers, failure […]

Elder abuse

Conference notes that currently the process and systems to protect older people throughout the United Kingdom are only based on guidance. Conference believes adult protection should have the same status as child protection. Every year nearly half a million older people in the UK are suffering some form of physical, psychological, financial and/or sexual abuse. […]

RPI not CPI for indexation of pensions

Conference condemns the decision of the coalition government to change the indexation of pensions from the Retail Price Index (RPI) to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from April 2011. Conference believes that this change in indexation from RPI to CPI together with the rising cost of living will result is a significant increase in pensioner […]

Rule I Disciplinary Action

Rule I 10.2 Delete “nominate” and add “elect” and after “Panel”, “in line with the Union’s elections procedures.”

Workfare is unfair

Conference opposes workfare which is simply a charter for unscrupulous employers to exploit workers and maximise profits, forcing people to take up unpaid work under the threat of losing their Job Seeker’s Allowance. Conference condemns the scandalous workfare stories coming to light – such as that of a young woman forced to give up voluntary […]


Conference notes with deep concern new research by UNISON on the disproportionate impact of public service cuts on Black workers. This research, conducted as part of UNISON’s Challenging Racism in the Workplace and piloted in Greater London in November- December 2011 and results of which were analysed in January 2012 showed that Black women working […]

Campaigning against government pay policy

Conference notes that on 29 November 2011 George Osborne announced a further government attack on public service workers by announcing the intention to cap public sector pay rises to just 1% for two years – after the current pay freeze ends. This at a time when the whole economy annual increases for the quarter ending […]

Rule D Sectors

Rule D 3.7.3 After “shall be” insert “directly or”