Sickness Absence Management

Conference notes with concern that many employers have introduced draconian measures to reduce rates of sickness absence. These measures often seek to diminish the status of GP’s certificates in favour of assessments by company appointed private Occupational Health practitioners. They also attempt to marginalise existing collective agreements of sickness absence and often make no distinction […]

Failing UK Energy Market

Conference reiterates its long held belief that privatisation of energy companies and liberalisation of the energy market have not worked in the long term interests of consumers, the wider community or the employees. An unacceptable number of people are falling into ‘fuel poverty’ as energy bills remain too high and incomes fall. Conference regrets that […]

Free ManSour Osanloo

Conference regrets that, despite his poor health, Mansour Osanloo, leader of the Iranian bus workers union, remains in prison in Iran for his trade union activities. Conference notes that UNISON has actively supported the campaign by the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) and Amnesty International to free Mansour Osanloo and other trade unionists detained by […]