Rule J The Political Fund

J 3, J 4.1 and J 5.9 Delete ” Brandon House, 180 Borough High Street, London SE1 1LW” and replace with “22nd Floor, Euston Tower, 286 Euston Road, London NW1 3JJ”

Rule J 5.8 The Political Fund

J 5.8 Delete “2-8 Gordon Street” and replace with “10-12 Gordon Street”. Insert after “Article 59 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Northern Ireland) Order 1995”, the words: “(as amended) (“the 1995 Order”)” Delete “Article 57(2) to (4) of that Order” and replace with “Article 57(2) to (4B) of the 1995 Order”. Delete “Article […]

Rule G Branches

Add new rule G 8: “G 8 Equality Representatives 8.1One or more Equality representatives shall be elected annually for each work group or workplace by the members in that group or workplace in accordance with branch arrangements. 8.2 The election of each Equality representative shall be reported to the branch for ratification and issuing of […]

Rule G 4.1.1 Branch Officers

Rule G 4.1.1 Delete “Equality Officer(s)” and replace with “Equality Co- ordinator(s)”

Absence Monitoring and Measurement for Women

Conference notes with concern the increase in absence monitoring within local government. Conference believes that the management tools used have a detrimental and disproportionate affect on women employees, when employers may use such scoring systems in the process of selection for redundancy, or as an excuse for dismissal when seeking to cut staff numbers. Schemes […]

Public Services and Taxation

Conference applauds the dedicated work of public service workers throughout the country that has helped this country through a severe recession and provided a lifeline to countless families, businesses and individuals facing homelessness, bankruptcy, joblessness, poverty, or personal stress and poor health. Conference wishes to highlight again how crucial public services will be for supporting […]

The Future of the NHS

Conference notes that alongside extra funding and improved levels of care, recent years have seen a continuation of government policies to extend the marketisation of the English NHS and to create a larger role for the private sector. It is highly likely that this trend will continue whatever the outcome of the 2010 general election. […]

The Economy

Conference notes economists’ predictions that, after a year in which the UK economy shrank by more than five per cent, modest growth is expected for the first quarters of 2010. Unemployment (as measured by the International Labour Organisation) has reached 2.5 million and may continue to rise. Conference reiterates its condemnation of the financial system […]

Rule C 5 Becoming a Member

Insert new rule C 5.2 and renumber accordingly: “Rule C 5.2 A member of a political party, whose constitution, aims or objectives expressly or impliedly promote racism, or whose objectives are contrary to the objectives of UNISON, specifically the equality provisions set out in Rules A.3 and/or B1.2 and/or B1.3 of the UNISON Rule Book, […]

Review of Political Fund Effectiveness

Conference approves the recommendations contained in the National Executive Council’s report on the Review of Political Fund Effectiveness. Recommendations: 1)The report of the Review of Political Fund Effectiveness, which was established to carry out a full review of the political fund arrangements “to scrutinise and reform operations and functional processes to ensure the highest levels […]

Trade Union Rights

Conference notes that in 1980 at the time of the last Conservative Government there were 13 million union members in the UK and collective bargaining or Wages Councils orders covered 82% of the labour force. In 2010 trade union membership is about six million workers and collective bargaining covers 35% of the labour force. The […]

Defending The LGPS in England, Scotland and Wales

The Local Government Pension Fund (LGPS) and benefits must be defended and fought for as a key priority for UNISON. Unlike the other public sector schemes the LGPS obtains income from its investments. Therefore the governance and economic performance of the funds are critical to the survival of the benefits they deliver. Any detrimental changes […]


Conference welcomes the fact that the issue of Palestine became a key international priority for the British trade union movement during 2009 following the unprecedented and disproportionate use of force by Israel against the people of Gaza. Conference notes the comprehensive policy on Palestine adopted by National Delegate Conference in 2009 and reiterates its support […]

Local Government Service Cuts

Conference notes our own NJC campaign for better services and better jobs; that public spending is coming under further attack; and local government is bearing the brunt of these attacks. The union needs to mobilise to defend our members’ jobs and to protect services vital to our communities. Conference also notes the Public Works Campaign […]

Tobin Tax

Conference applauds Gordon Brown’s statement of commitment last year to the principle of the Tobin Tax and notes the immediate reaction from Boris Johnson in defence of an independent and greedy City which illustrated the determination of so many Tories to defend unfettered access to unlimited unearned income from the financial markets. The proposal to […]