Organising for LGBT Equality in the Community Sector

Conference notes that UNISON carried out its second equality survey in summer 2017 and received just 743 responses (6.79%) from members stating that they worked in the community sector which is disappointing considering we are the fastest growing sector with over 60,000 members. Of all respondents, 6% identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual and 0.4% […]

Poverty Pay and Rotten Housing for Housing Association & Voluntary workers

This conference notes a)A Chief Executive of a Large Housing Association recently remarked at a meeting that many of the workers and their families employed by the association to support and rehouse the homeless lived in worse accommodation than the people they were trying to help. b)Years of below inflation pay rises and massive increase […]

Collective Sectoral Bargaining and Compliance with National Minimum Wage Regulations

Conference welcomes the statements of Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell at Trades Union Congress (TUC) that the Institute of Employment Rights (IER)’s Manifesto for Labour Law is being taken forward by the Labour Party as “the basis for our implementation manual in this field” and of Shadow Business Secretary Rebecca Long-Bailey MP (Salford and Eccles) at […]

Creating, Building and Strengthening Black Community links

Conference notes the damaging decline in numbers and workplace density as a result of many housing associations merging. This has resulted in more job losses disproportionately in a community where there is a high concentration of Black workers. This has reduced our effectiveness in the workplace, our impact in collective bargaining negotiations and most importantly […]

Wellbeing in the Workplace

Employers in the Community & Voluntary Sector including Housing Associations are taking staff wellbeing more seriously than ever before, healthy employees who feel that they’re being looked after are more likely to perform their roles at a higher level, take less time off sick, are more energised and engaged, and better at motivating their colleagues. […]

TU Recognition in the Community and Voluntary Sector

This conference recognises the lack of trade union recognition in the community and voluntary sector. This is known to be a contributory factor in the perpetuation of low wages and poor conditions of service in the sector. This situation also mitigates against stewards playing an active role in defending members. This conference calls on the […]

Funding for Charities and the “National Living Wage”

Conference notes that in his 2015 Budget announcement the then Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, announced that the establishment of a “National Living Wage” for workers over the age of 25. The rate for this wage was established at £7.20 an hour from April 2016, rising to £9 an hour by 2020. Conference disputes […]


Conference notes the work undertaken by the Service Group Executive and in particular the Community Service Group in Scotland prior to the passing of 2016 National Delegate Conference Motion 2 ‘Organising for growth’. The preliminary work carried out by the Community Service Group in Scotland included a brief outline of regional Community structures and précis […]

Trans Prisoners

That this Conference will be aware of the tragic deaths in custody last year of trans women being held in male prisons. “Vikki Thompson who was aged 21 at the time of her death was being held at Armley jail, a category B men’s prison, and had told friends she would kill herself, if she […]

Taking forward UNISON’s work on intersex equality

Conference notes that momentum for the recognition of human rights and equality for people born with intersex bodies (variations of sex characteristics) has increased greatly over the last 2 years. Whilst this has mainly been positive, there continues to be confusion and misunderstanding of what intersex means and a lack of focus on everyday issues, […]

LGBT Scrutiny in the Commissioning Process

Up and down the country health and social care service provision is once again metamorphosing. As features in the provider landscape rise and fall, there are winners and losers. The winners, whether from the statutory, private or community sectors, spread into new geographic territories, full of enthusiasm but frequently ignorant of the shape of local […]

Commitment to Pride

UNISON works tirelessly to combat homophobia, biphobia and transphobia and to build equality for us all. Conference believes that one of the best ways of communicating with the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community is face to face, most notably through our presence at Pride events across the United Kingdom. Conference notes that UNISON […]


1. The adoption by UNISON national delegate conference 2016 of the motion “Don’t silence the occupation of Palestine”, which highlighted the introduction of new laws in Britain, the United States of America and Israel that seek to undermine the growing success of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, and instructed the National Executive Council […]

An inclusive movement, an inclusive union

UNISON strives to represent all its members and has led the way in lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender (LGBT) members’ self-organisation, not only including LGBT members but putting us at the heart of leading our union. Conference reiterates its belief that a growing number of people identify with sexual orientations or gender identities outside of […]


Equality law in the United Kingdom (UK) has continued to update itself as time has passed in view of better knowledge and understanding of the challenges facing people, including those of transgender individuals. Although these laws ensure protection for transgender people the particulars of language are always changing. People working in the public service and […]