Protecting Members in the Custody environment from false allegations

Our members working in custody are vulnerable to all sorts of false allegations from detained persons; these allegations have included physical and sexual assault. Once the allegations are made our members are put under immense pressure for long periods of time until investigations are complete. This causes not only difficulties at work, but home also. […]

Victims of Domestic Abuse

Conference believes our members are often placed in a vulnerable position when they are victims of domestic abuse. The employer tends to follow their own domestic abuse policy which relates to that of a service provider and not that of an employer. The absence of such policies often leaves our members open to further vulnerabilities […]

Police Staff Training

This Conference notes the importance of better training for Police Staff. Police Staff for many years have been treated differently from police officers when it comes to police training. This Conference calls upon the Police Staff Service Group to listen to police staff needs, and lead a campaign to identifying training needs, in particular in […]

Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) Guidelines on Staff Complaints

Confusion exists regarding the right of Police Staff to raise complaints with the IPCC regarding the service they receive from the police as service provider as tax paying citizens. The IPCC guidance suggests that our members are unable to make complaints about service provision issues within their own force. Conference therefore instructs the Service Group […]

Support to Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) in the Press

Conference notes the positive actions undertaken by the Police Staff Service Group National Officer and the UNISON General Secretary in supporting Police Community Support Officers after a tragic accident in Manchester, where our colleagues were abused and attacked by the national press. Furthermore Conference notes the letter sent by the General Secretary to the Press […]

Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) and the Police Federation

Conference notes that at the 2008 Police Federation Conference reference was made on a number of occasions in a negative manner to the role of Police Community Support Officers. Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to request consultation and discussion with the Police Federation in relation to the role of PCSOs and the negative comments […]

Outsourcing by Another Name!

Conference is concerned by the increase in shared service working involving the transfer of business to private companies; this is not a shared service it is outsourcing. Conference motions on this issue have been before you – motion 13 in 2005, motions 2 and 6 in 2006 and motion 9 in 2007. The Trade Union […]

What is an Exigency of the Service?

Conference you may recall this issue being raised a few years ago by the North West Region. Yet Conference it has become a phrase that is now being used almost on a daily basis when managers want to change/cancel annual leave, rest days, shifts etc. Merseyside’s Chief Constable, on a forum, agreed with Chief Constable […]

Unjust Sickness Self-Certification

Conference Motion 2 in 2007 was overwhelmingly carried. To date Conference notes that there has been no work undertaken by the Service Group Executive (SGE) on this issue other than a mention in the recently circulated draft Attendance Management Document. Conference notes with great concern the practice of self-certification being withdrawn. It is common practice […]

Flexible Working

Conference is appalled that police forces are using the notion of flexible working to pursue an agenda of rationalisation which in reality is a cost cutting exercise and one based on more ‘for less’. UNISON condemns this practice that requires our members to work longer hours for no increase in salary, a pay cut by […]


The presentation on legal migration is concerned with policy on the admission of workers to Britain for employment and on the entitlement of such workers once admitted. Government policy on economic migration was set out in the five year strategy announced in February 2005, “Controlling out Borders: Making Migration Work for Britain”. Among other things […]


Conference notes the alarming figures outlined in a research highlighting poverty amongst black groups. In April 2007 the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) published a report confirming that the poverty rate for Britain’s minority ethnic groups stands at 40%, double the 20% found amongst white British people. Minority ethnic groups are also being overlooked for jobs […]


Conference notes the recent spate of knife, gang and gun-related murders of Black youths is deeply concerning. However, former Prime Minister, Tony Blair’s comments that Black communities fail to denounce these crimes and that Black culture is responsible for these tragedies is completely wrong. Black community groups and activists have highlighted that government response to […]

Support for Sakira Singh

UNISON’s delegation to the National Assembly Against Racism AGM held in November 2007 heard a speech from Sakira Singh. Sakira Singh, a 14 year old school girl from South Wales has been repeatedly excluded from school because of wearing an article of faith – the Kara – that represents her belief. Prior to her exclusion, […]

Reform Stop and Search

An article cited in the Birmingham Metro newspaper, dated 31st October 2007, titled ‘Police do stop more Blacks’ referred to Black people being seven times more likely to be stopped and searched by Police than Whites. In addition the Ministry of Justice report confirmed that an extra 14,000 Black people were targeted by Stop and […]