Local Housing Allowance – Shared Accommodation rate

This conference believes that the Government’s decision to raise the Local Housing Allowance shared accommodation rate to 35 year olds was not subject to equality impact testing. It is well documented that women earn less than men and therefore find it harder to afford private sector rents. With the changes to eligibility for the 1 […]

Women Active in Unison

As the trade union with the highest density of women members it is disturbing that so few women are active in their branches or across the union at regional and national level. Self organization should be at the heart of our union and we must ensure that women have the opportunity to be involved from […]

Young women’s role models

Conference believes that, despite the continued existence of discrimination against women and the barriers to women’s participation at all levels of society, women are continuing to make progress in taking up leadership roles. Conference further believes this is important in not only challenging the predominance of male power in our society, but also in providing […]


In light of the recent United Nations evidence on the growing prevalence and impact of violence against women here and throughout the world, Council expresses extreme regret that UNISON NDC Conference 2013 defeated an amendment calling for women to be assumed to be telling the truth when they report abuse. Conference calls on the National […]

Traditional values v women’s rights

Conference recalls the 2012 Women’s conference resolution “Our tradition is equality and human rights”, which expressed concern that the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council had adopted a Russian resolution linking human rights to ‘traditional values’. It recognised that Russia was attempting to block progress on women’s rights and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) […]

Equality for bisexual women workers

Conference notes that Bisexual Visibility Day has been marked on the 23rd September since 1999. Bisexual Visibility Day is a day in which the bisexual community, their friends and supporters recognise and celebrate bisexuality, but the day is not acknowledged by many. Quite often bisexual women face biphobia not only from heterosexuals, but from the […]

Product Regulation

Lulled by the soft sell and the hidden persuader, the average woman is seldom aware of the deadly materials with which she is surrounding herself, indeed she may not realise she is using them at all. This is a quote by Rachel Carson in 1962 and this still applies today, some 50 years later. Women […]

Zero hour contracts

This Conference is concerned at the growing number of zero hour contracts that are being forced onto a desperate workforce. Conference believes that a disproportionate number of women in public services are increasingly being subjected to these types of contracts. The Coalition Government and private sector claim that zero hour contracts offer both the employer […]

Benefit Cap

This conference believes that the Government’s austerity measures are purely an attack on the working class and that women are more likely to be feeling the detrimental impact of any Welfare Reform. Women rely more on tax credit and benefits than men, in particular due to their caring responsibilities, relative economic inequalities and poverty. According […]

Food Banks

Conference notes that in 2012, the national women’s committee brought a motion to conference highlighting the resurgence of food banks across the UK. At that time, it was reported that in September 2011, 130 food banks were feeding up to 100,000 people. It is shocking to note that the Trussell Trust now has 400 food […]


Women are bearing the brunt of cuts from both the UK Government and our locally elected devolved institutions. In Northern Ireland alone, changes in welfare benefits may result in the loss of £500 million from our budget over the next four years. It is clear that women will again suffer disproportionally from these changes. Women […]

Supporting Education for Women

Conference is proud of Unison’s commitment to lifelong learning and education for all. It is particularly proud of the selection of Unison course which provides women with an opportunity to learn in a safe and supportive environment; allowing women to return to the classroom where this opportunity may not otherwise have been afforded and increasing […]

UNISON policy on violence against women

Conference notes that at national delegate conference 2013, an amendment to the national women’s committee motion on UNISON women, active, campaigning, leading, was debated and lost. That amendment stated: “We believe that our trade union has the potential to transform society for the better. Therefore we have a particular responsibility to confront and challenge male […]

The Disproportionate Impact of Austerity Measures in Relation to Unemployment and Redundancy on Black Women

Conference notes that Black women are disproportionately bearing the brunt of this government’s austerity measures. More Black women are being condemned to living in poverty in the midst of these cuts and to a higher rate of unemployment than white women. According to the latest Labour Force Survey statistics, the employment rate of Black women […]

Home care workers

Conference congratulates the local government service group on the work they are doing to improve working conditions for home care workers, and the production of the Ethical Care Charter. The issues facing these workers are well recognised – low pay, unpaid hours, unpaid travel time, unpaid sickness absence, unrealistic mileage rates, short client visits etc. […]