Beyond the General Election – UNISON’s Vision

Conference welcomes the expected return of a Labour government for a third term in office but expresses concern at the tone and direction of parts of Labour’s election manifesto and campaign, which often pandered to the perceived interests of middle England instead of presenting a clear alternative to the individualistic and xenophobic vision of society […]


Conference calls upon the government to immediately cease all further development of, and legislation for, national identity cards and the National Identity Register. Conference further welcomes the decision of the Scottish Executive not to make ID cards compulsory for accessing devolved public services. We believe the proposals constitute an attack on individual rights and freedoms. […]

Repeal of Political Fund Review Ballot Legislation

Conference welcomes the overwhelming vote of UNISON members by 85 per cent to retain UNISON Political Fund, and further notes that virtually every union which has been obliged to hold a review ballot in the last year has secured a decisive majority in favour of retention of a political fund. For most unions this represents […]

Domestic Abuse

Conference is concerned that domestic abuse accounts for at least 25 per cent of all violent crime, one in four women will experience domestic abuse at some time in their lives, and that every week two men kill their femal partners or female ex-partners. Conference welcomes the recent moves by government to raise awareness of […]

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues in the Workplace

Conference welcomes the increased profile of lesbian and gay workplace issues in the work of many parts of our union, while acknowledging that there is still much to be done. Conference recognises that UNISON’s ability to organise, negotiate and campaign effectively on equality issues flows directly from its commitment to self-organisation. Conference notes that since […]

The Future of Council Housing

Conference welcomes the fact that at the Labour party conference on 26 September, Deputy Prime Minister said: “Public financing of housing does not treat local authorities on a level playing field and I want to see that changed and I promise to do that and look at an enquiry into it”. After the vote, Housing […]

Climate Change

Conference notes the statement of the chairperson of the intergovernmental panel on climate change, Dr Rajendra Pachauri, warning that global warming is nearing a point of no return and calling for very deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. We further note that the United States and Australia continue to refuse to ratify the seven year […]

Privatisation of Education

Conference notes with concern the incremental and multi-faceted process of privatisation and marketisation of education which has taken place under the Labour government through private management of state schools, privatisation of Local Education Authority (LEA) functions and education provision, and use of Private Finance Initiative (PFI). The government’s five year strategy for education will speed […]

Improving Access to Facility Time

According to UNISON figures, almost a quarter of UNISON reps are not given paid time off and a further fifth only receive one hour or less a week. It is likely that women activists bear the brunt of inadequate facility time because: 1)most facility time agreements are old and have not been adjusted to reflect […]

Sickness Absence

Conference notes with some concern the rising prevalence of employer policies dealing with managing sickness absence. Conference is concerned that these policies are implemented without proper negotiations with branches and, as a consequence, the policies perpetrate discrimination against women. Branches are often not properly trained or equipped to assist women when they are subject to […]

Communication and Recruitment Priorities for Women

Conference is pleased to see that UNISON’s national advertising campaign is putting women at the forefront of our recruitment campaign. Conference recognises that recruitment is a key priority for UNISON. It is therefore important that UNISON incorporates into its recruitment strategy work with schools and colleges to educate the next generation of potential members about […]

Pregnancy Rights

Conference notes that discrimination against women because they are pregnant continues in the workplace, despite being illegal under sex discrimination legislation. Recent investigations have found that many women are unaware of their rights during pregnancy and that employers, particularly in smaller organisations, were unaware of the law. The same investigation found that health and safety […]

Women’s Conference Locations

Conference notes that this year’s conference location is Plymouth. Whilst recognising the restrictions on choice for the conference, due to the scale of the event, this meeting states its concerns with the location chosen. Whilst accepting that any location chosen should have a good standard of facilities we are concerned that the remote geographic location […]

Involving Young Women Members

Conference recognises the excellent work done by the National Young Members’ Forum, many branches and colleagues in recruiting young members. Young women, juggling a career, caring responsibilities and further training, often on a low wage, require extra encouragement and support to become active in UNISON. In addition, Conference recognises and appreciates UNISON’s ability to deliver […]