Attacks on Public Sector Pension Schemes

Conference is alarmed at the attacks from the employers and the government on public sector pension schemes. This commenced last year with proposals to significantly reduce the benefits of the local government scheme including raising the age at which pensions would be payable. The government has now issued proposals for consultation which affect most public […]

Organising for Growth

Conference welcomes the rise in UNISON membership to 1,313,500 and notes that membership has risen for the sixth year in a row and by over 100,000 new members since the introduction of an organising strategy. It congratulates all those involved, especially the smaller service groups, in particular police staffs, young members and the community and […]

Iraq – Reconstruction and Solidarity

Conference condemns: 1)the occupation of Iraq by British and American troops arising from an illegal war; 2)the destruction of Fallujah and the slaughter of innocent civilians, the majority of whom continue to be killed by coalition troops; 3)the use of torture and the inhumane treatment of Iraqi detainees by British and American troops as instanced […]

Rule D.2.5 Young Members Seat

Delete all before “there”

Rule G.2.1.3 The Branch Committee

After “Equality Officer(s)” insert “, Welfare Officer”

Tackling Pay Discrimination for Black and Minority Ethnic Workers

Conference is appalled to note the results of the government’s appointed Ethnic Minority Employment Task Force investigation into pay and employment for black and minority ethnic workers. We note the findings that: 1)there is a substantial pay gap between ethnic minorities and the whole population. Weekly earnings for white workers average £376, compared with £347 […]

Public Services

Conference notes extra public spending announced in 2004 Spending Review, particularly the £40 billion extra investment in the National Health Service (NHS) and believes that this could make a major difference to public services. However it cannot while the government continues a variety of trends and initiatives, marketisation, choice, privatisation, efficiency reviews, PFI and cuts […]

Efficiency Reviews

Conference notes that there are efficiency reviews across the governments of the United Kingdom (UK), driven by the 2004 spending review. In Whitehall departments, this simultaneously expanded public spending but demanded £20 billion of efficiencies in services controlled by Whitehall departments as a result of a report by Sir Peter Gershon. Conference is alarmed that […]

Rule D.1.7.7 The Right to Attend and Speak

Delete “15” and replace with “14”

Rule B.1.6 At Work and in the Community

Add new Rule B.1.6: “To promote and improve the health, safety and welfare of members in the workplace.” Renumber rest of Rule B.1.

Rule G.6 Health and Safety Representatives

Add new Rule: “.6Health and Safety Representatives 6.1 One or more health and safety representatives shall be elected annually for each work group or workplace by the members in that group or workplace in accordance with branch arrangements 6.2 The election of each health and safety representative shall be reported to the branch for ratification […]

Rule G.2.2.4 The Branch Committee

Add new Rule G.2.2.4: “.4shall recruit and organise members in all employers and workplaces within the scope of the branch;” Renumber.

Rule G.2.2.3 The Branch Committee

Add new Rule G.2.2.3: “.3shall co-ordinate health and safety activities conducted by health and safety representatives;” Renumber rest of Rule G.2.2.

Disability Discrimination and Health and Safety at Work

Conference welcomes guidance produced by the European safety and health agency that says that health and safety issues should not be used as an excuse for not employing or not continuing to employ disabled people. Its factsheet adds that a workplace that is accessible and safe for disabled people is also safer and more accessible […]

Restructuring of Public Services and UNISON Organisation

Conference notes that since 1993, when UNISON was established, the delivery of public services in the United Kingdom (UK) has been subject to widespread change and restructuring. The impact of change has been felt union-wide but in diverse ways with some services being more closely integrated, for example further and higher education, whilst others have […]