Rule D Composition

Rule D Delete “Rule G.9” and replace with “Rule G.10”

Rule D Self Organised Groups

Amendment to Rule D 4.2 In existing D 4.2, delete all after “shall be, within the framework of the rules of the union, to” and replace with: “assist the union to: .1 promote the union’s equalities and bargaining agenda .2 defend jobs, terms and conditions and services .3 build its density and have a strong […]

Rule C Retired Members

Rule C 2.6.1 Delete “in receipt of a pension and who are not in other paid employment.” and replace with “are retired.” Add new Rule C2.6.2 “Retired members who return to paid employment, which falls within the scope of Rule C 1, will be obliged to pay the appropriate subscription rate to remain in UNISON […]

Campaigning, recruiting and organising around health and safety

Conference recognises the importance of health and safety as a campaigning, organising and recruiting tool, particularly in the light of the government’s continued assault on the health and safety regulatory system, including: 1)cuts to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and local authority budgets resulting in the continued reduction in the number of workplace inspections; […]

Building on our recruitment campaign

Conference welcomes the major recruitment drive whose aim has been to strengthen the union in order to defend better our member’s interests and campaign even more effectively in defence of public services. Conference believes that the next stage of this work must be to step up the union’s work to bring more members into active […]

Kick It Out – Racism has no place in football

With the events of racism being highlighted amongst several high profile football players, it is clear that the game has some way to go to shed itself of this vile and evil mindset. When FIFA president Sepp Blatter under played the significance of racism in the game it raised concerns about his ability to deal […]

Fighting privatisation

Conference welcomes and applauds the actions of branches, branch officers, regions, the Police and Justice Service Group Executive, its committees and staff in opposing privatisation across the Police and Probation Services in 2012. Events have shown that campaigning against privatisation does work and that public opinion is on our side and not on the side […]

Rule K Qualifications

Amendment to K 2(i): Delete “member knowing that she/he had need of legal assistance and seeks” and insert “incident or occurrence that leads to her/him seeking legal assistance.”

Decolonising LGBT equality: aid conditionality and LGBT human rights

Conference notes with concern the statement by UK Prime Minister David Cameron that overseas aid should be cut to countries which criminalise homosexuality. Conference notes that UNISON is opposed to such aid conditionality. Conference believes that it would not advance lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) human rights or equality but rather would create a […]

Outsourcing, the privatisation agenda and disabled workers

Conference is concerned about increased outsourcing and hidden privatisation in local government and the impact on disabled workers. Local authorities who oppose privatisation are looking at mutuals, cooperatives and social enterprises, all privatisation by another name. Public services by their nature are under-provided by the market because they do not make a profit. They are […]

The true cost of Local governments’ pay and increment freezes on Black staff

Local government employees have had their pay and in some instances increments frozen for the past three years. Councils like Sheffield are planning to dismiss and re-engage staff to force through yet another pay and increment freeze. Black staff employed in the public sector are concentrated in the lower grades and the impact on such […]

The Black Experience – UNISON’s Freedom of Informatiom

UNISON’s initial Freedom of Information (FOI) exercise conducted in the Greater London, West Midlands and North West regions has revealed that a significant number of local authorities are shedding hundreds of thousands of jobs across the UK. Those FOIs show the number of Black staff that have been made redundant in the financial year 2010/2011. […]

UNISON women – active, campaigning, leading

UNISON is proud to be the leading trade union for women. We have a solid history of women being at the heart of the union; through enshrining self organisation into our rule book along with proportionality. As a union which has a majority of women members we do not just talk the talk. Women are […]

Negotiating for equality in a time of local government cuts

Conference notes that the Tory-led government’s onslaught on public service workers and their failed austerity measures have led to worsening terms and conditions for local government workers. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) workers are affected like any other local government worker as pay and conditions are undermined. But the impact on terms and conditions […]

The Gender Agenda

Conference commends the proposal to set a “gender agenda” in local government pay negotiations. The government’s austerity measures and the pay freeze in local government have impacted disproportionally on women, not least because three quarters of workers in local government are women and more than half of these women work part-time, in low paid jobs […]