NHS Crisis

This conference condemns the recent deluge of redundancies announced by Trusts across the country. In an indecent rush to balance the books, thousands of jobs have been lost in Staffordshire, Cornwall, London, Sussex, Plymouth, Leeds and NHS Direct to name just a few. We reject completely the statement made by the Prime Minister on April […]

Future of NHS Pensions

Conference welcomes the agreement reached at the Public Services Forum between the TUC and Central Government which safeguards the principles and protection of the pensions rights of existing members of the NHS Pensions Scheme. Conference recognises the key role that UNISON played to reach that agreement in which the government honoured its pensions contract with […]

Managers in Partnership

This conference welcomes the advent of Managers in Partnership (MIP) which was highlighted as an innovation in the provision of trade unionism. The venture between UNISON and the First Division Association has created a new vehicle for senior managers in the health service and related services, and conference acknowledges the excellent work performed by the […]

NHS Pensions – Benefits Payable to Surviving Spouses of NHS Staff

Conference notes that the NHS pension scheme regulations currently allow married males employed in the NHS to leave their widow a pension based on length of service from 24 March 1972. However, conference notes with concern that married female employees, and now those who enter into civil partnerships, can only have their length of service […]

Public Sector duty on Gender

Conference notes that the Public Sector duties on gender will come into force in April 2007 as part of the wider Equalities legislation. The Gender Equality Duty will require service providers and public sector employers to design employment and services with the different needs of women and men in mind. As the largest employer of […]

Subsistence & Overnight Allowances For NHS Staff

A significant number of NHS staff are required to work away from their base for most of their working time (e.g. Blood Transfusion Staff going to rural communities to reach donors, or staff operating mobile breast screening units). Other NHS staff often find that they are required to work in the evenings that results in […]

Pay Claim and Pay Submission for 2006/7

This Conference is critical of the way that the submission to the Pay Review Body and the drawing up of a pay claim for non-Pay Review Body staff were dealt with for 2006/07. The Staff Side evidence which was submitted to the Pay Review Body for 2006/07 did not comply with the policy on the […]

Representation of Members in Non-Core Employers

This conference recognises that fragmentation of our branches in the conventional sense is taking place. Service Group Executive members on UNISONs ‘Structures Review Group’ should urgently address the range of facilities afforded by employers. This is called for in the face of the most advanced package of changes in the NHS yet faced by branches. […]

Lone Working

That this Conference congratulates UNISON Service Group on the work it is presently undertaking to ensure staff safety at work. Conference furthermore maintains that in areas where Patients/Clients/Residents are particularly vulnerable for example “Persons with Learning Difficulties” that UNISON opposes the move to “Lone Working” at Night. As this not only compromises the safety of […]

Spinal/Muscular Skeletal Disorders in Health Staff

This Conference recognises the advances made in Health & Safety with regards to manual handling and the advent of ‘non-handling trusts.’ However for many of our members the damage has already been done. It is far too common for health staff to suffer spinal and other muscular/skeletal disorders resulting in disability in later life and […]

Agenda for Change Terms & Conditions Handbook

Conference notes that the Agenda for Change Terms and Conditions Handbook: ·had to be concluded by a pre-agreed deadline ·was not widely available to UNISON’s lay membership before the Agenda for Change ballot ·leaves around a hundred terms open to local negotiation rather than the nineteen or so originally envisaged ·is often unclearly-expressed or ambiguous […]

Student Poverty

We welcomed the national student nurse survey, which was conducted by UNISON and the Nursing Times this year. However it is clear from previous health conference motions that other students including Occupational Therapists, Operating Department Practitioners and Paramedic diploma and degree students face similar financial hardship. We therefore call on the SGE and relevant Sectors […]

Chief Nursing Officer Review of Mental Health Nursing 2005/06

UNISON’s Nursing Sector has been heavily involved and influential in the recent Chief Nursing Officer (England) Review of Mental Health Nursing. Unison responded at length to the review consultation, making many observations and recommendation that are taken up in the published report. The Nursing Sector provided three representatives to the Reference Panel which assisted in […]

Ambulance Service Review

This Conference notes the forthcoming reorganisation of Ambulance Trusts in England in line with the proposed reconfigured Strategic Health Authority boundaries, in addition to the many other recommendations contained in the report “Taking Healthcare to The Patient”. Conference endorses the UNISON response document to the report and in particular that UNISON is broadly in favour […]

Developing Specialist Networking

This conference acknowledges the difficulties facing the more specialist staff in the NHS in various areas such as preparing job descriptions, knowledge and skills framework outlines and accessing information on career development and training and education opportunities. Within trusts and individual branches such staff are often at a disadvantage compared to colleagues in more generic […]