Conference notes with concern the continuing threat to facility time to Local Government Branches. Such Branches now work with a plethora of employers and are dealing with the consequences of huge and unprecedented cuts to local government funding. Conference notes that a motion on Branch facility time was passed at National Local Government Service Group […]

National Joint Council (NJC) Pay Campaign

Conference notes with concern that local government workers pay is falling behind other public and private sector workers. Many local authorities are trying to move away from NJC pay and conditions which could lead to regional or local pay. If this happens it is likely to divide UNISON members and further erode pay and conditions. […]


YOUNG WORKERS, APPRENTICESHIP SCHEMES AND WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAMMES IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT Conference believes that there is a staffing crisis in local government, with around half a million jobs lost since the General Election in 2010 (mainly as a result of UK Government cuts in local authority funding). The cuts mean diminishing prospects for young people […]

The Disproportionate Impact of Cuts on Women

Conference values local government’s history as an important part of the gender equality movement, acting as a key employer for women. Women make up 65% of local government staff and many of those women are low-paid and working part-time. Women are also more likely to use public services than men, and use them more intensively […]

Budget Cuts and the Impact of Austerity on Black W

Conference condemns the Conservative-Lib Dem coalition for the widespread and unprecedented destruction of public services that has resulted from the savage and unprecedented reductions in central government funding to local government, health, education, police, probation and the rest of the public sector. Public sector workers have borne the brunt of this in job losses, the […]


Male Violence against Women (26 26.1, 30, 31) Conference welcomes the decision by UNISON National Delegate Conference 2013, in passing Motion 8, to encourage women’s activism in our trade union. We recognise that this particular effort is necessary because, in a sexist society, women face particular obstacles to participation in all areas of life, including […]

Cuts to Further Education

The school system enjoys some measure of protection because of its compulsory nature and political interests. Over £1 billion has been spent on the establishment of academies, with little proven worth and sparse support outside of a doctrinaire cabal. Universities enjoy the respect generated by their hallowed halls and political alumni. Colleges have twice as […]

Ethical Care Campaign and Living Wage

Conference welcomes the progress of the Local Government Service Group’s Ethical Care Campaign. The campaign highlights how low wages and poor terms and conditions for workers undermines the quality and safety of the service and the dignity of service users, and urges local authorities to sign up to UNISON’s Ethical Care Charter. The Charter addresses […]

University Finance – we must take an interest and be vigilant

Conference in the light of the Browne Review of Higher Education finance and the Comprehensive Spending Review it was reported that HEIs will have to be very quick on its feet to avoid serious financial problems and potential bankruptcy as the cuts take effect and the impact of higher fees become apparent. Conference every year […]

Excessive Workloads

Conference notes that in this current climate of Government cuts resulting in a reduction to services and jobs, professional support staff are experiencing many challenges within the workforce. Since 2008 government funding cuts have become more savage; ministers have publicly called for more to be done for less across the entire public sector and specifically […]

Equality for higher education workers when universities go international

Conference notes that universities are responding to restrictive border regulations, which damages their intake of international students, by opening campuses abroad and having collaborations with overseas universities. Many more are likely to join this trend. The universities and science minister has previously appealed to private investors to support overseas expansion for UK universities and stated […]

Working in HE – The Hidden Costs

This Conference understands that recent pay awards in Higher Education have meant that many UNISON members working in this Sector are experiencing a decline in the standard of living for themselves and their families. Conference recognises that the real terms pay cut staff are facing is an issue in itself, but that UNISON members in […]

Equality for trans workers in our higher education institutions

Conference notes with concern that transphobia and bullying and harassment of trans people is still far too commonplace in workplaces and society, including in our higher education institutions (HEIs). A recent Government Equalities Office survey found that nearly half of trans employees experienced discrimination or harassment in their workplaces and 88% said that ignorance of […]

A Time to Change in Higher Education

Conference is aware that many people are affected by mental health conditions. It is concerning that nearly nine out of ten people who experience them say they face stigma and discrimination as a result. In supporting members, our activists have noted that many Higher Education employers are neither aware of nor prepared to support staff […]

Impact of restructuring and outsourcing on young workers

This conference believes that recent restructurings (such as at Middlesex University which has seen the creation of centralised student services, combining the services from 4 campuses into one) and outsourcing exercises, mean that many ‘entry-level’ jobs are severely reduced or disappear altogether. It is also often the case that these jobs are the first to […]