Young Workers Better Off in UNISON

Conference believes that young workers join a trade union for the same reason as every other worker, regardless of age, for the work-based benefits membership brings. For too long sections of the trade union movement have stuck to the outdated view that a whole generation of workers is ideologically opposed to joining a union. This […]

Defend Council Housing

We welcome the success of the 29 January 2003 lobby for council housing and endorse the six demands put forward to stop privatisation and win investment without strings: 1)end all daylight robbery tax on tenants’ rents; 2)free councils to borrow for investment; 3)return all capital receipts to fund investment in our homes; 4)write-off all Housing […]


The UK Government has committed to a course of privatisation of public services and the Treasury has also exerted pressure on devolved governments to follow suit. As a consequence the future of public services, our members who deliver them and the public who need them is in serious jeopardy. Conference notes that UNISON has been […]

Right to Care Campaign

In November 2001, UNISON, with a number of other organisations, launched the Right to Care Campaign. The aims of the Campaign are as follows: 1)that the Government must introduce personal and nursing care that is free at the point of use and funded from general taxation; 2)that this care should be the entitlement of everyone, […]

Rule C.2.6 Retired Members

C.2.6.1 delete “immediately”. Add new sub-paragraph: “C.2.6.2Persons in paid employment in areas where UNISON does not organise, eligible for retired membership as set out in C.2.6.1, can apply for retired membership when they cease to be in paid employment.” Renumber old sub-paragraph C.2.6.2 to C.2.6.3 and in second sentence delete “only” Add new sub-paragraphs: “C.2.6.4They […]

Fair Pensions for All

Conference notes that members of the House of Commons have agreed to amend their pension scheme and among the changes are benefits for surviving unmarried partners albeit the benefits have only been extended by requiring an increase in contributions. UNISON has campaigned for a similar extension of benefits in the public service pension schemes where […]

Prostate Cancer

Conference is concerned about the increase in prostate cancer every year and demands that prostate screening should be made available to men of all ages and that representations be made through all appropriate channels as a matter of urgency. In addition UNISON should arrange for appropriate materials to be distributed to UNISON branches to highlight […]

Fair Representation in Conference Delegations

Conference notes that this is the third year in which the National Executive Council exercising its powers under Rule D.1.3 has required that: 1)branches with three or more conference delegates send at least one low paid delegate and that 2)branches with four or more conference delegates send at least one young delegate. Conference applauds the […]

The European Union

Conference notes the grievous consequences of the European Union’s Stability Pact and the Maastricht Treaty convergence terms for unemployment, reduced public spending and deepening economic recession across the Eurozone, and congratulates the National Executive Council for its leading role in the developing labour movement campaign against British membership of the euro. Conference also notes the […]

Regional Cost of Living Supplement

National Delegate Conference reaffirms UNISON’s support for equity of access to high quality public services for all citizens. In particular we oppose any postcode lottery in service provision, which systematically disadvantages citizens in particular geographical areas. Likewise UNISON must oppose any postcode lottery in the living standards of public servants in general and UNISON members […]

Charter for Workers’ Rights

Conference deplores the continuing violation of international laws by the UK Government and regrets the fact that the UK framework of trade union rights was once again condemned by the International Labour Organisation in June 2002 and by the European Court of Human Rights in July 2002. UNISON believes that without an effective voice through […]

A Vision for Education

The issue and challenges facing the UK’s education system continue to be of concern to this union. Whilst Conference acknowledges the promise of more money for the education system as a whole, too many of our children are still failing to reach their full potential. Participation rates beyond 16 are marked by social inequality. Years […]

Ten Years On – Investing in our Future

Conference celebrates UNISON’s forthcoming tenth anniversary on 1 July 2003 and acknowledges the achievements of our union in campaigning for fair pay and conditions for all workers, for the rights of trade union members, for our campaigns against racism, sexism and disabilism and international trade unionism. We must now make the next ten years a […]

Public Sector Pay

Conference welcomes the 2002 Budget and Third Comprehensive Spending Review which committed the UK Government to sustained long-term investment in public services, thus reversing a 30 year trend of austerity, decline and public spending cuts. However Conference notes with concern the increasing pressure in Bank of England, government, private sector and media circles in support […]